Power Consumption: 6555 mA +12V | 2924 mA -12V | 0 mA 5V | Depth: 75 mm | Price: $38,562 | Number of Modules: 221 | Data Sheet
Achtung This Rack contains modules with incomplete power consumption specs: error-modular SPIKES paul tas edition, error-modular SPIKES .darkside., error-modular SPIKES .illuminatie, HARD CANDY NOIR! only 5 made - SOLD OUT, ECTO PLASM NOIR , BLANKA drum? , ALBINO NOISE !, SPIKES extraordinary 40 made, SH / NOISE NOIR / BLACK NOISE, error-modular TEMPLE, SPIKES white gold edition. extraordinary, KASTLE, skull & bones spikes , error-modular sonic Lullaby black, error-modular sonic Lullaby goldie, SPIKES white MILK edition., EVIL DRUM oscillator, ACID DELAY black , victorians , sonic lulaby passive, goldfinger, sonic lulaby passive, ALBINO . sonic lulaby passive, sonic lulaby Scull NOIR>>, Sonic Lullaby WHITE WASH, Sonic Lullaby NOIR II, Sonic Lullaby NOIR SKULL, TOUCH SCULL ERROR edition full build B / Z, TOUCH SCULL ERROR edition full build B / G, TWO PRINCESS blanka errorinstruments, TWO PRINCESS GOLD errorinstruments, SOLAR TEREMIN error-moduler, sonic lulabay LOVE Valentine's Day, sonic lulabay LOVE Valentine's Day, Tropical Noise, DUOCORN NOIR, Acoustic Echoes Noir, Acoustic Echoes gold, Atari DRUM console duo NO DRUM ! , SPEEDBUMP v2.1, Tropical Noise (white edition), Arpopone , KRUSNEK FORST EURORACK , FLIPPING BITCH !, BLIND NOISE EURORACK, RAW DRUM, RAW DRUM BLACK, Indian Resonator, Indian Resonator V2, MULTATULI , SIX - MIX, Tomo Muji V2, Tropical Noise NEO V3 black, BABY 8 PRO Step Sequencer, Sputnik Radio BLACK, Sputnik Radio WHITE, Clockwork Orange, SABRINA AMP + bitsniffer, error-modular SPIKES WOOD edition, Spikes boogie woogie , TWO PRINCESS WOOD ! errorinstruments, ERROR INSTRUMENTS secret handshake , SOLAR secret handshake nr 3, Secret Handshake (ASMR), ERROR INSTRUMENTS ATOM DELAY, HARD CANDY !, Raw spring . v2 .eurorack, ERROR INSTRUMENTS . SONIC kalimba , sonic lullaby ERROR-MODULAR, SOLAR v2 THEREMIN, PANIC ! , Channel (copper version), Motion (silver version), Mental (silver version), synesthesia, Quiet (Gold), Gait (Gold), Anthesis, Voices (Gold), Palaces (Gold), Fusion (Gold), Sift (Gold), Roam (Gold), Arp Odyssey Dual VCO, Multimode Filter, R Dual ADSR, Monobloc 02