This rig won't work. Period. You only have a VC8 as a mixer, which it can do but which isn't necessarily its best suit. Plus, the VC8 contains linear VCAs...not the best for audio, especially in the output mix stage, and you've got it way overtaxed with all of the signal sources in this. I see NO intermediate/submixers, NO attenuverters, NO adders, NO logic, NO buffered mults...there's "sexy module syndrome" all over the place here. If you've already bought all of this,'ve built a Money Pit! I hope you haven't, though, because this is one hellaciously expensive fail if you did.
Utility modules are NOT an option. They're a necessity. Without them, you'll have a costly box of modules that really won't work well...or at all, tbh. Spend some time with VCV Rack, or checking out experienced builders' rigs here on MG, or studying "classic" modular systems from the past to see why they're "classics". You'll wind up saving a lot of time and, potentially, a lot of money that way.