Problem is, 62 hp isn't very much space at all...and you're wanting to do some texturally-complex music. You've got two options that I can see here...

1) Jam it full of the right modules in under 4 hp sizes. This will make what you want fit...but the control ergonomics will be hellish.


2) Follow your friend's lead and get rid of that tiny cab, then do a proper build.

One thing that you see all the time are new modular users who think that you can build the equivalent of Hans Zimmer's "Moog wall" in a 1-row cab. can't, not to anyone's surprise. I mean...look at the screenshot above. Three often-used modules in place, and the 3U row is already more than half-filled, and the remaining space is where you need to put your entire audio generation and filtering chain, plus one or two more modulation sources. Doesn't look promising...

If you're going to try and build this into a proper modular build (which I do NOT recommend), you've already made a cardinal (and expensive) mistake in ordering these huge modules. As I've noted, you'll need to keep all of the module sizes at 4 hp or less in order to do a properly-implemented modular setup in this thing. As things stand right now, you won't get there.

What these small cabs are REALLY for are specialized builds, things I and others call "mission-specific" builds. For example, if you wanted to add a Maths to an ARP 2600, these little skiffs are ideal, as you can easily jam that plus several supporting modules into the restrictive space they provide. But an entire rig...while you DO see people (mostly on YouTube) doing this sort of thing, you have to keep in mind that they're there for the CLICKS...and not necessarily to be helpful. Especially not in these cases.

Your best bet here is to stick the Palette on eBay or Reverb, then add a bit of extra $$$ to what you get there and buy something like a Mantis. THAT will hold a proper module complement.