Hi everyone !

I need your help, ideas, advices for finish my first eurorack. I want to make mainly techno/Industrial/AcidTechno. I already own the Erica Techno System and all the modules in the 6U rack (except XAOC Zadar, Buff mult and Quad VCA)

ModularGrid Rack

I would like to hear your advice for finish this 6U rack. I know i need Mult, Enveloppe and VCA. Think about XAOC Zadar, Intellijel Buff mult and Intellijel Quad VCA. Do you have other ideas, modules who will pair well with what i have already ? I have 18HP free to complete my rack if i take Zadar, Buff mult and Quad VCA or 42HP if you have other suggestions :)

Thank you for your help,
