I can say this with the utmost understanding: I get it!!! My rack has evolved significantly since I started building it a few months ago. I had the quad VCA (Which really does sound great), and swapped it out for two Pittsburgh Modular Low Pass Gates, and I had the Sputnik Keyboard, but opted for a Pittsburgh Modular Lifeforms Keyboard. I still utilize the 6 channel mixer, but just an FYI only channels 2-4 are stereo, 1 and 6 are left and right mono.
The only issue that I really had with the Keyboard was the hold to arp mode is poorly placed. You have to setup an Arpeggio before you can hit the hold button. Which means you have to be pressing the notes and THEN press the hold button (doable but tricky).
The Buchla-esque modules are very popular and understandably so. The amount of control that they feature is unreal and everyone has a different take on them. Roman (Sputnik) made a name for himself by making very good clones before BEMI re-relased the Easel (and took a lot of crap for it from some....). Tony Rolando of Make Noise used to work for Moog before starting Make Noise. His stuff is complex and esoteric, but in the right hands can do some incredible stuff. Mark Verbos of Verbos has really caught my attention. He's an East Coaster who repaired Buchla's and then just out of no-where said "here I am" and is making Buchla-esque stuff if Buchla started out in the 21st century. So each one has a different flavor and personality all their own. If you can, BUY USED. Holy smokes.... buy used. Ebay is nice, Reverb.com is better. Also, Detroit Modular has a great team and will work with you to the point where you feel guilty cause their service is so excellent, and Perfect Circuit has seasonal 20% off deals (this is assuming you live in the States).
Here's my setup if you are interested. Only issue with mine is the Sputnik Dual Oscillator is on backorder from where I bought it, and because it snagged it at an incredible deal, I'd be stupid not to just sit it out...