-You can not damage your eurorack modules during your basic patching. (like patching a audio module in a modulation module)
but you could crash your audio gear which comes after the eurorack, if you dont use a output-module and go out of your VCA-module without attenuation, with a (hot signal)
But with your Divkid Output-module you should be fine

-Always pay attention to connect the cables on the correct side with the red line. (otherwize damage to modules can happen)

-Be aware of your power consumption: which power your power supply can serve and how much power your modules need.
Some ppl say, its secure to to leave like 1/3 of the power cosumption unused.
Especially digital modules can be very power consuming.
Dont do things like, usinge 900 ma supply for 897 ma - better leave some space.
But as it seems that you might have a rackbrute 6u - that should all be fine.

