I found 2267 threads containing CV in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Best utilities for N00Bs? Modules by 28 785
Nonlinearcircuits LDRama Modules this user has left ModularGrid by 2 1223
ES-8 vs ES-9 Modules by 11 780
KICK ASS!!! for December 2018 Modules by 1 52
IO Instruments Euporie Modules by 7 2279
BeetTweek - A Force Feed-Back Eurorack DSP Module Modules by 1 1139
Bell / Chime Sound with Intellijel Ringmodulator ? Modules by 5 78
Schlappi Engineering 100 Grit Modules 4 5496
Erica Synths Fusion Delay/Flanger/Vintage Ensemble Modules by 1 2361
BluesXP gives away one Euromod for free! Modules by 1 7
Mutable Instruments Tides 2018 Modules by 8 512
Coherent alternatives to complex oscillators Modules by 8 991
Weak signal in CV mixer Modules by 4 80
NE Gamut Repetitor vs Clank Chaos? Modules by 4 88
Bvr-Instruments TS1 Eurorack Trigger Sequencer BK Modules by 3 542
Make Noise Erbe-Verb Modules by 5 34
Best Midi to CV Converter Modules by 7 195
Shakmat Modular Bishop's Miscellany Modules by 2 3771
Disting... Hmmm Modules by 19 461
your favorite chaos modules? Modules by 31 1262
What's your favorite hi-hat module? Modules by 15 949
KICK ASS!!! for August 2018. Modules by 1 154
What's an "envelope follower" and why do I need one? Modules by 6 654
Mutant Brain - issue, clocking a Sequencer Modules by 2 60
Commodity Fetishism Conceptual Power Supply Modules by 6 164
Help with small modular Eurorack Modules by 2 112
Anybody have experience with Doepfer A-140-2 Modules by 11 512
PWM Module Modules by 6 78
Modulaire Maritime Tarot hits my rack (so I did some music and a video) Modules by 6 144
Other/unknown CV Behringer RV600 Reverb. Additional Circuits by Flavio Mireles Modules by 2 256
DROID of Der Mann Mit Der Maschine : imagination booster on a ultimate CV processor. Modules by 2 111
interesting VCAs / VCAs with character Modules by 5 211
Polyend Poly 2 issue with MIDI and Ableton Modules by 1 20
Other/unknown Benjolin Modules by 3 11192
Scaling voltages from Pip Slope to VCA? Modules by 7 119
CGS serge cv Modules by 2 142
Thoughts on VCAs (L-1, Happy Nerding, etc.)? Modules by 7 142
Record modular into Reaper.Best way to sync modular to bpm? Modules by 10 314
Mutable instruments Veils (2020) Modules by 5 30195
Afterlater NRings v/oct doesnt work with BSP Modules by 10 165
Any help on the Doepfer A-192-2? Modules by 2 71
Numerical EURO Brute Modules by 9 177
Best modules for random CV generation or "happy accidents"? Modules by 5 865
MI Marbles output voltage range button 'not working' Modules by 4 112
Other/unknown Super 16 CV / Gate Sequencer Modules by 8 61
Blue Lantern Modules Asteroid BD (Green) Review Modules by 1 94
Other/unknown CV Tape Station Modules by 1 562
Aemit Quadsum (CV) Modules by 2 95
good compression/distortion alternatives to Hexinverter Mutant Hot Glue? Modules by 2 89
What next to go with Analogue Solutions Treadstone synth? Modules by 7 120
Favorite VCOs for ambient? Modules by 21 2036
(NEW) VoltRatio - for Analog Through Zero (TZ) FM (Frequency Modulation) Modules by 1 17
IO Instruments Sponde Modules by 5 3326
Real time sampling and mangling... Modules 14 623
Erica Synths EDU Kick Drum Modules by 1 46
ALM mmMIDI vs Hexinverter Mutant Brain Modules by 5 193
OCS-2 from Nozoïd Modules by 6 10
Plaits trouble Modules by 4 158
New Doepfer A-147-5 VCLFO owners Modules by 1 77
FlatSix Modular - Slight Of Hand Modules by 1 281
Toppobrillo SMX4 Stereo Mix Modules by 10 3802
Feedback MIX BX Modules by 21 2920
Recovery Effects and Devices CUTTING ROOM FLOOR v3 Modules by 2 311
your favorite FX modules / setups? Modules 21 1334
Sloths + Oscilloscope Modules by 3 79
Mutant Bass Drum oscillation Modules by 6 73
Introducing, ZIQAL Dimension Wavetable oscillator Modules by 35 3314
Audio Out? Modules by 5 328
Modules with more outs than ins Modules by 24 361
Ziqal DIMENSION MK3 Modules by 1 254
Mutable instruments Braids Modules by 5 3039
Behringer Brains Modules by 20 13593
Unknown Devices Raijun - Pitch control Modules by 4 3248
Doepfer A-150 Dual VCS Modules by 3 22
WMD Performance Mixer (black) Modules 11 10483
Is there a module with multiple outs for tracking drums? Modules by 6 178
Free non-step sequencing in modular impossible? Modules this user has left ModularGrid by 3 11
Adding gate to Slim-O with CEMvelope Modules by 3 35
Vaemi Buffered Multiple DIY or Assembled - affordable price Modules by 1 16
Bubblesound Instruments HEX vca Modules by 6 892
Erica Synths Black Input Modules by 9 3029
Random*Source Serge Resonant Equalizer (16hp black panel) Modules by 19 1660
Make Noise CV Bus Modules by 14 5951
Doepfer A-190-2 Modules by 1 2806
Møffenzeef Mødular Kriket Modules by 1 977
Other/unknown Envy Modules by 2 103
ALM Busy Circuits ALM017 - Pamela's NEW Workout Modules by 11 72629
Tensile Tile, a 1u Multi-Function Powerhouse Modules by 1 55
Thoughts on Indian Resonator V4 Modules by 9 207
Xaoc Devices Sewastopol II Modules by 3 5145
Westlicht and sync to LOgic Modules by 2 93
Choosing a low bass oscillator Modules by 21 480
Bizarre Jezabel blossom ブロッサム Modules by 12 2381
KICK ASS!!! for April 2018 Modules by 1 55
A-190-3 MIDI output Modules by 5 93
Rides in the Storm DMO Modules by 6 752
Frap Tools USTA Modules by 2 641
Syncing Varigate 4+ cv and gate? Modules by 2 70
?Record from Modular into Reaper at a certain BPM,what modules do i need? Modules by 7 94
Korg SQ-64? Modules by 26 794