I found 250 threads containing wt in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Which filter for this sound? Modules by 4 104
Highest Fidelity Eurorack Power & Output Solution Modules by 3 94
WTB Mantis Modules by 2 42
The Centre by 1V/Oct - Wavetable Synth [NEW MODULE] - Kickstarter Modules by 2 2158
Maths now available in EU Modules by 6 250
Roland-ish sound Modules by 8 192
WTB Rossum Assimil8or & 4MS Ensemble Oscillator Modules by 1 48
your favorite chaos modules? Modules by 31 1262
ALM Busy Circuits ALM015 - Akemie's Taiko Modules by 5 7212
Pico Seq Modules this user has left ModularGrid by 6 75
mutable instruments veils Modules by 15 286
Wtf Pittsburgh? Modules by 2 125
Introducing, ZIQAL Dimension Wavetable oscillator Modules by 35 3307
Instruō saïch Modules by 5 7514
AJH Synth VCO - Pitch instability Modules by 2 58
Metropolix for acid sequence - accents out ? Modules by 8 326
What's your favorite hi-hat module? Modules by 15 942
How to use Stages sequencer? Modules by 5 162
Frequency! Shifter! Wars! Modules by 8 694
JF's Modular System Modules by 5 64
Rare Waves Grendel Formant Filter V2.2 Modules by 14 1306
Vaemi’s first Eurorack formatted module, high quality Thru Zero Oscillator “Osi-Op” Modules by 1 35
WMD PM Mutes Expander (Black) Modules by 1 771
Bela.io Gliss Modules by 2 76
Drum/trigger sequencer Modules by 11 229
Disting EX as quantizer. Modules by 3 184
Leet Modular. Thoughts, Interests? Modules by 1 47
Stochastic Instruments 4'33" Modules by 2 1062
Malekko Voltage Block, Fader repair Modules by 1 52
Other/unknown Croak Modules by 2 1744
Is the Happy Nerding FM aid similar to a "traditional" through-zero FM oscillator? Modules by 1 120
complex oscillator - yes or no? And which? Modules by 14 582
Drum SEQ: Opinions/Experience/etc.. SWT16+ or Erica Modules by 7 185
Ornament & Crime with Teensy V4 - Is the original Firmware going to catch up? Modules by 3 206
Mutable Plaits Cheatsheet v1.2 Modules by 5 319
WTB Magerit LANIAKEA Modules by 2 1690
Ondes Martenot starter Racks by 1 101
Mono Compression/Ducking: VCA-Based #2 Racks by 1 ..
Mono Compression/Ducking: LPG-Based #2 Racks by 1 2
CTHULHU Racks by 1 4
bookmarks Racks by 3 130
MengQiMusic Control System Racks by 1 ..
El chingonizer (copy) Racks by 1 6
Metaobject (current) Racks by 1 11
Symbolicate Racks by 1 4
My gorgeous Eurorack - where do I go from here? Racks by 12 130
Derp's Compensation for his Small Penis Racks by 8 ..
First Eurorack Racks by 11 52
My First EuroHelp Racks by 3 38
Javier Plano Video Synth Racks by 7 11
Newcomer lost in the infinite void of options Racks by 2 7
Do these moduls make sense as a start? Racks by 7 334
An all DIY 6U.. how to finish it? Racks by 3 3
First system Racks by 18 265
First Rack Racks by 4 8
Rack with Mother 32 Racks by 3 187
Starting off a new bad habit Racks by 10 44
First modular VST Killer DAW Rack Racks by 6 96
Ok, I'll play... looking for feedback Racks by 5 24
Looking for that atmospheric and brass sound (please help) Racks by 2 1
A Hybrid Eurorack - a newbie try Racks by 8 30
How to expand on Moog Mother-32 and DFAM? Racks by 8 1399
My first Intellijel 104HP rack - beat it up. Racks by 6 108
Automated Modulation Advice Racks by 7 13
DFAM + Mother 32 and Friends Racks by 2 38
idea for ambient rack Racks by 45 1179
Great DIY Case building HOWTOs? Racks by 4 33
Too heavy on the oscillators? Racks by 11 169
Casio Sk-1 Advanced Racks by 4 44
Live rack Techno Racks by 22 904
Make noise Racks by 1 557
Exercise on (sort of) West Coast/Buchla 'eurorack traduction' Racks by 8 208
WTFLOL Racks by 5 134
Opinions on my first rack! Racks by 7 188
Rhythmic Ambient with no drums and vcv rack integration Racks by 8 188
Why your 6U x 84 generative rig won't work Racks by 22 906
Let me try this again... Advice welcome. Racks by 6 131
First Eurorack... Feedback? Racks by 3 135
Ambient Rack (new to modular) Racks by 3 113
What is that thing behind you? Racks by 14 338
“Shoegaze” Rack + guitar pedals & keystep Racks by 11 187
Advice on filling 420 HP Racks by 13 225
First Draft of System to Complement Violin w/ effects + ChucK Coding Racks by 12 186
My first one... Racks 10 161
Need 52hp of Opinions Racks 12 190
A tip for last 8 hp Racks by 34 546
Rickrack (plan) Racks by 7 847
What would you change ? Help me level up my rack (please) ! Racks by 10 259
Used case power question Racks by 6 95
Help on building my rack please? Racks by 10 309
Advice for minimal setup Racks by 14 233
Newb so please be gentle Racks by 25 469
Updated E Techno System Racks by 6 216
Pico Case - Ambient drone with Plaits Racks by 9 301
Beep Boop MKII Racks by 7 92
Beep Boop Racks by 3 86
two to four voices in a Rackbrute 6U? Racks by 6 176
Mixer Section for Drums & Percussion? Racks by 14 327
Would love some feedback on this set up Racks by 25 534
Tips for my first dub processing rack Racks by 10 222