This IS a nishe supersaw,

If you loking 4 a analoge supersaw you will find no better solution jet (11.2021) (only Happy nerding supersawtor, but you need more that one module 4 a good sounding patch).
It takes a bit to patch one one Saich, but once you found you will get that this sound is analoge and push true nice filters or fx it get realy chilli!

Greadings from Berlin

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I have been enjoying the saw coming from my Ts-L :)
One thing I wish modular builders would start doing is switching the dials they use for coarse vs fine adjustments. I think the fine adjustment should always use the bigger dial...IMHO


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Supersaw oscillators are on my wish list since they are the core of trance music. Maybe in year or so. Looking at Acid Rain Chainsaw, Saich and others. Instruo modules are hella expensive and so may go with cheaper ones.

Supersaw oscillators are on my wish list since they are the core of trance music. Maybe in year or so. Looking at Acid Rain Chainsaw, Saich and others. Instruo modules are hella expensive and so may go with cheaper ones.
-- sacguy71

Cheap Chainsaw is nice to have sound allway gread!

Greadings from Berlin

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I have been enjoying the saw coming from my Ts-L :)
One thing I wish modular builders would start doing is switching the dials they use for coarse vs fine adjustments. I think the fine adjustment should always use the bigger dial...IMHO
-- jb61264

So true, fine tuning should come with larger dials.

I am inspired by birth, death and the events inbetween.