I found 1136 threads containing Box in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
My eurorack modular ambient etudes You by 92 2173
New Dreadbox chromatic arrived !!! You by 4 85
Who'd a thought and old yamaha rx17 could sound so good!!! You by 4 38
A Tribute to Florian Schneider You by 6 69
Beethoven, Moonlight Sonata 3rd Movement You by 13 113
Love my steffcorp Arp2600 clone oscillators You by 4 46
ambient like loop You by 55 606
New to eurorack, want 2 make groovebox! You 0 20
Trying my hand at Acid You by 9 74
I pulled all the plugs You by 15 176
Some techno : Pam drives BIA You by 5 117
Spacey Ambience You this user has left ModularGrid 3 15
first patch You by 9 111
experiment3 You by 6 49
Techno Jam You this user has left ModularGrid 3 43
Octatrack and modular jam today You this user has left ModularGrid 3 19
Latest You by 4 45
Rainy Day in TX patch You by 3 26
Weekly Jam with Hertz Donut and friends You this user has left ModularGrid 7 46
20 minutes techno session You by 13 168
Best of ModularGrid 2020? You by 47 548
Werkstatt Acid You by 5 53
Hertz Donut WMD Techno Madness You this user has left ModularGrid by 13 162
Eloquencer first jam You this user has left ModularGrid 3 36
Latest Track You by 3 35
Jam in a box #3 - Sunset Sensations You by 2 17
I had a dream, celebrating the life of a great one You by 2 23
Jam in a Box #4 - Moonbase You by 5 70
Latest Work You by 8 80
New Track You by 3 28
Jam in a Box #5 - Misty Mountains - Playing around with a launchpad + cvocd to control ... You by 2 17
Vocal Track You by 6 62
2hp and bananas You by 8 68
Jam in a box #6 - Baked & Awaken You by 2 18
Fine You by 2 19
Jam in a Box #7 - Waves on the table You by 2 16
Jam in a Box #8 - Echoes through the cave | progressive techno vibe You by 2 11
New Toys Jam You by 3 38
Quad Operator Jam You by 1 20
This time I paired my case with the keyboard to add some chords and strings... what do ... You by 2 46
(Sorceress). from DAW, now into Modular... You by 1 32
Using Pressure Points + Brains + Switchblade to get a longer sequence our of a single P... You by 2 31
Acid house jam You this user has left ModularGrid by 7 84
Modular beat box You this user has left ModularGrid 5 57
Sunday Coco and Monday Saxomophone You by 10 71
Efímero // eurorack generative ambient You by 4 56
Koyasan - New Module Experiment - Bloom and WMD PM You by 9 111
Some Monday techno with Mutable Instruments You this user has left ModularGrid 3 30
This is a modular performance I submitted for an internet show. It features my Joranalo... You by 12 125
Jam#12 - Solar Charge ( Melodic Techno played live with my Eurorack Case & Fender Rhodes ) You by 4 56
First jam on new Make Noise Shared System Plus modular synthesizer You this user has left ModularGrid 5 81
Jomox Modbase 09 MK2 and Hexinverter Hot Glue demo You this user has left ModularGrid 5 51
Obnubilus (featuring M32, Microcosm, Starlab and Iridium) You by 9 141
Space Jam with ALM Super Coupe You this user has left ModularGrid 3 33
First test Endorphin.es Queen of Pentacles You this user has left ModularGrid by 12 155
Jam in a Box #13 - New Begginings | Improvised Melodic Techno You by 4 71
Rossum Trident Demo You this user has left ModularGrid 3 63
Behringer Crave (Drums), Mutable Instruments Plaits, Filtamp 1006, Minibrute 2s, Improv... You by 8 111
Doing some feedback patching You by 6 115
March madness cross patching jam You this user has left ModularGrid 3 61
Jam in a Box #14 - Thunderstorm You by 5 91
Some Tapographic delay with desmodus versio + ER301! You by 3 55
EDU VCA from Erica Synths build and demo video up You by 5 62
Lost Tapes: Orch R You by 2 33
Jam in a Box #16 - Shimmers & Shadows You by 2 53
Making your own silicon rubber solder helper video for DIYers You by 10 85
complexnonsense You by 5 131
Jam in a Box #17 - Sunrise in Saturn You by 2 23
Deep Ocean Drone You by 2 50
Stereo techno jam You by 1 39
Eurorack Newb Patch Experiment You by 9 169
Maximal Drip // MIDI Sync the Hologram Microcosm to Infinity Looper, Vocoder, and Modul... You by 4 85
2-prong Power Issue You by 3 75
Enelysion - Dark Ambient Music and Visuals You by 1 17
Liquid Foam kit from Herbs and Stones build and demo You by 1 31
Magic Panels You by 11 247
did i go way too overboard? You by 66 497
Patch 57 (my handmade synths) You by 3 65
Techno session with SV-1, bassline, bitbox micro and plaits You by 1 38
Accidental lush ambient You by 5 125
Quick funky loop You by 3 36
I'm selling my Doepfer Low Cost monster base You by 1 48
Gezeiten UltimaRatio Modules by 1 ..
PulpLogic 1U Switch Modules by 5 71
Medic Modules Voice Box Modules by 1 728
Other/unknown CVToolbox Modules by 2 2
MengQiMusic Preset Voltage Modules by 6 12
Tiptop Audio sd808 Modules by 4 1
Flame C-3 Knob Recorder Modules by 10 1936
Pittsburgh Synth Box not firing up... Modules by 5 19
Qu-Bit Electronix RT60 (Black Panel) Modules by 4 1242
Stereo pannable performance mixer Modules by 3 17
Sequencer? HELP! Modules by 9 147
Make Noise Telharmonic Modules by 13 13693
Pitts. Toolbox Mk1, buffered or unbuffered slew, difference? Modules by 3 1
Other/unknown Bobcat by Moffenzeef Modular Modules by 6 3
Intellijel Cylonix - Cyclebox II Modules by 1 2406
Blue Lantern Modules Asteroid BD (Green) Review Modules by 1 95
OCS-2 from Nozoïd Modules by 6 10
Alternative to Erica Synths Black Varishape VCO 1? Modules by 2 35