Hello Garfield,

Thank you very much for your regular attentive listening and all your kind words!
I’m really happy that my music helps someone to cheer up after a hard day at work. I create it mainly in the evenings after my day work and it also helps me to relax and recover.

Wish this Friday will be more easy and pleasant for you :) Have a nice weekend! Cheers!

Hi all!

My debut solo album is ready!
It is called "Still Life" and it will out in September on vinyl and digital via Polar Seas Recordings.
You can already listen two tracks and make a pre-order here:

Digital - https://yalivec.bandcamp.com
Vinyl - https://polarseasrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/still-life

my module

Hi Igor,

Oh this is fantastic! Congratulations on your first solo album! Hopefully many will follow in the future :-)

Pity that I live in Germany, I am not daring to take the risk of shipping a vinyl over such large distance. Let's hope you are able soon to sell via Amazon.de too ;-)

Thanks a lot for sharing this with you and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Thank you very much @GarfieldModular !
You can order it on Juno if you want - https://www.juno.co.uk/products/igor-yalivec-still-life/841990-01/

Hi Igor,

Thanks for the hint, I didn't know Juno yet. I need to check regarding Brexit what the import taxes and consequences are, it looks like Juno's website already indicates that so it seems pretty transparent to me, which is great. Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi all!
Just want to let you know that my debut album "Still Life" is out yesterday.
You can now listen full record and get your copy here:
Digital - https://yalivec.bandcamp.com
Vinyl - https://polarseasrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/still-life

my module

Hi Igor,

Great, thanks for letting us know. I will keep an eye on juno.co.uk currently not on stock. Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Made a new video for the final track «Iris» from my debut solo album «Still Life».
Romantic polyphonic composition for modular synthesizer based on subtle melody and dreamy strings.
Better to listen with headphones. More explanations on YouTube.

Hi all!
It's been a while since i posted something here.
I'm from Ukraine and maybe some of you know there is a war here now.
Yesterday I played live performance from a shelter and made a worldwide broadcasting devoted to a fundraising for Ukrainian army, who are bravely fighting for my motherland in this crazy military aggression of Russia against Ukraine.
Maybe you will be interested to watch and listen to it.
Wishing you all the best!

Hello Igor,

It's good to hear from you again. So sorry about the terrible situation in your home country :-(

Your music, as always, is very enjoyable and it's nice to see you playing live!

Let's hope for a soon peaceful ending of the war in your country and thanks a lot for this contribution. Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Thank you very much @GarfieldModular
Yes, we all hope this hell will end soon.
All the best to you!

My New ambient composition for eurorack modular synthesizer based on voice modulations and samples.
Bitbox Micro is playing some pre-recorded samples, while I use some vcos as solo voices.
More explanations below video on YouTube.

Track was created for the fundraiser compilation of experimental electronic music from Ukraine called "Liberty".
The compilation was made during the war in Ukraine. All profits go to charities and support of Ukrainians.
Link to full compilation below video on YouTube.

My new composition made with eurorack modular.
Viscous and fuzzy ambient recorded on a tape.
Logic Pro X for post-processing.
Better to listen with headphones. More explanations below video on YouTube.

Hi all! I hope I didn't bore you with my videos yet :)

A year ago my first solo LP 'Still Life' is out via Polar Seas Rec: https://yalivec.bandcamp.com/
For the anniversary of the album, I decided to record a video of semi-generative composition 'Aster' from this release.

MI Marbles sequences Rings and Plaits filtered by Three Sisters, plus some field recordings played by 1010Music Bitbox.
Better to listen with headphones. More explanations below the video on YT.

Hi Igor,

Aster is a great track, so ambient (in a positive way I mean), so relaxing and yet beautiful composition! This could go on and on for me, only 5 minutes? Why not 20 minutes? :-D

Good stuff! Thank you very much for sharing this with us and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Thank you! Well, I thought 20 minutes would be too boring for most people to listen.
But I'll think about it and may be in future I will make some new tunes a little bit linger and deeper :)

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Yes, this whole series is great listening. I get the “etudes” concept and these do work well in it, but I agree with Garfield that these could definitely (also) be longer. :-) Thanks for sharing. Cheers!

Hi all!

I'm back here, but today I wanna share the new album of my band!
Gamardah Fungus "To The Stars And Back".
It was recorded with the help of eurorack modular and electric guitars and it will out in May.
You can already listen and make a pre-order here:


my module

Hi Igor,

Good and nice to hear from you again! Those two tracks that are currently available are two fantastic tracks! Well done. And what do I see? You are going to release the album on CD as well? I love the cover of this album, beautiful!

I look forward to your next album :-) Take care and kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads

Hi :)
Thanks a lot for your nice words! I sent you a private message. Please, check it :)

New video of my space ambient composition for eurorack modular synthesizer and electric guitar.
This sketch became the basis of the track from the new album of my band: https://gamardahfungus.bandcamp.com

No sequences. Xaoc Zadar and Mutable Peaks modulating VCA’s, Plaits and Beads in vco mode.
1010Music Bitbox plays a previously recorded guitar part.
Better to listen with headphones. More explanations below the video on YouTube.
Have a nice listen!

Another lovely track! I'm glad I subscribed to this thread. :-) Is the guitar all pre-recorded and coming from the Bitbox? Cheers!

Hi! Thank you very much for your kind words!
Yes, the guitar is all pre-recorded and comes from Bitbox.
In my band I play synthesizers and my partner plays guitar. He often sends me his parts, and I start to compose a track.

New video on my YT channel!
Slow light ambient composition made with OP-1 and eurorack modular synthesizer mostly with Mutable Instruments modules.
Marbles for sequencing, Plaits and Rings for voices, Peaks for modulations and Clouds for fx.

Better to listen with headphones. More information on YT.
Like and subscribe for more videos!

Very beautiful track! Thanks for sharing!
Subscribed! :)

Thank you very much! :)

Hi all!

My new solo LP 'Etudes' composed with eurorack modular is ready!
It will out on amazing US label Whited Sepulchre Records in November on vinyl and digital!

You can already listen first single and make a pre-order here: https://yalivec.bandcamp.com/album/etudes

my module

My live performance at 'One Man Club', Dnipro, UA.
Improvisation, sampling and some new tunes from upcoming LP.
Have a nice listen!

A short documentary about my upcoming ambient LP 'Etudes', recorded with eurorack modular and out in November.
Pre-order: https://yalivec.bandcamp.com/album/etudes

Hi all!
My new album "Etudes" is out today!
Electronic | minimalism | ambient | modular.
You can now listen full record and get your copy.
Vinyl & Digital - https://yalivec.bandcamp.com

wow you realy make beautiful music! could you tell me wher you got that little square case?

wow you realy make beautiful music! could you tell me wher you got that little square case?
-- Niemandsland

Thank you! All my cases was made by Clank modular, Italy. They can make any case for you.
Here is their website: https://www.clank.eu/cases

Thank you!

It's been a while since I posted here.
So here is something different from me.
My recent special performance for a charity noise event in Kyiv.
Musique concrète / noise / lowercase / dark ambient / drone.

Nice story.

Video premiere!
Igor Yalivec - Petrichor (from 'Etudes' LP, Whited Sepulchre Records)

This video was created manually by norwegian based artist Sasha Lukjanenko.
She made many paintings with her own hands, digitized them and created animations.
This resulted in a very meditative, symbolic, conceptual work.

New video om my channel!
This is one of the most calm, simple and peaceful tracks I've ever made.
No sequencers. Just slow modulations, smooth transitions and delicate loops.
Mostly with Mutable Instruments modules and 1010 Music Bitbox Micro.
Better to listen with headphones. More explanations on YT.

Beautiful, my only complaint: it is to short :-)

Beautiful, my only complaint: it is to short :-)
-- Niemandsland

Thank you very much! I have more music on my YT channel and on Bandcamp https://yalivec.bandcamp.com/album/etudes
But yes, I don't like to make too long tracks now :)