I found 817 threads containing 40 in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Another Moog Matriarch and Sound Studio 3 companion Racks by 7 141
Reggie Racks by 6 4
Help with a DFAM/0-coast based rack Racks by 3 144
201005 - Morning Jam (added a godspeed) Racks by 1 35
Techno & Ambient Rack Racks by 6 285
First rack, beginner Racks by 15 435
Looking for some advice Racks by 13 321
My 9U 84hp in progress rack Racks by 9 354
Advice on my first setup Racks by 4 9
New to modular... rack advice appreciated! Racks by 27 529
help with my first Eurorack Racks by 4 143
first rack, opinions please Racks by 16 65
Help on building my rack please? Racks by 10 309
Starter Rack / Help appreciated Racks by 2 5
Moog Tiered Cases Racks by 2 3
Harvestman Racks by 5 105
My first Intellijel 104HP rack - beat it up. Racks by 6 109
Synth voice startup setup - what would you chose? Racks by 32 944
mini skiff (too deep)? Racks by 2 86
Feedback or ideas please for minimalist filter/shaping rack? Racks by 6 150
My sweetmeal Eurorack Racks this user has left ModularGrid by 4 106
(Yet Another) First Rack 6U 104HP Racks by 14 479
My First Rack to work with Matriarch Racks by 7 121
Pharmasonic Tribute to the Roland System 700 Racks by 3 93
Mixer Section for Drums & Percussion? Racks by 14 327
First Eurorack. Any advice ? Racks by 4 14
Finishing up Racks by 4 89
Little Effects Box goes 84hp Skiff V1 Racks by 22 627
Heather Racks by 18 52
Help Obie Wan Lugia... Racks by 2 78
Your feedback on my "work in progress" rack! Racks by 2 98
I am a complete modular beginner trying to create a budget randomized ambient synth. Pl... Racks by 10 941
Portable Generative fun! Racks by 3 122
ALM / Buchla 'groovebox' thing Racks by 1 94
Would like some feedback Racks by 4 150
201212 - Traveler - v1.4 - "Flock of Emus" has landed Racks by 2 46
Feedback Wanted Racks by 2 3
Needing a lot of advice :) Racks by 7 126
Need some advice on my first rack! Racks by 12 341
So, am I crazy? Racks by 1 ..
Drum Row idea Racks by 1 43
Beginners eurorack Racks 11 224
squencercer Racks by 1 ..
Obligatory "Hey I'm new, looking for opinions on my rack" post Racks by 14 287
Telephonogenesis Racks by 1 9
Drum box or... this? Racks by 22 531
9u Current +12V/2000 mA, -12V/1200mA, +5V/4000mA Racks by 3 58
monux niftySynth Racks by 1 86
First Essential Rack Racks by 6 254
New to modular, planning initial racks.... Racks 9 207
Opinion on my first DIY rack. Racks by 9 156
New Case coming soon - What to move where? Racks by 1 57
Starting off a new bad habit Racks by 10 44
Odyssey in Eurorack (mainly existing modules) Racks by 1 84
Telephonogenesis Racks by 1 18
please help my little pony Racks by 14 27
60 / 12 - Moog Eurorack Cases + 40 / 3 4ms Pod40X [Powered] Racks by 2 93
Looking for advice on a portable rack Racks by 13 357
Any advice on future modules... Racks by 14 448
Just Learning Racks by 1 2
Thoughts and Opinions on my Setup Racks by 1 ..
Expand Lifeforms sv-1 Racks by 1 20
Mod Jockey Workstation Racks by 1 62
Exercise on (sort of) West Coast/Buchla 'eurorack traduction' Racks by 8 208
My First Modular Rig Racks by 1 10
Compact standalone (capable) system based on RackBrute 6U & Minibrute 2S Racks by 1 115
And/Or companion to the 208 Buchla (copy) Racks by 2 112
_ExperimentalFXNoisebox Racks by 12 223
Starting my second Intellijel 7u/104hp, take a look at my first. Racks by 6 91
my ambient rack. please tell me what you think Racks by 4 212
Experienced software modular user planning the jump to hardware. Need feedback. Racks by 12 281
Percussion Rack With Modulation Via 4MS QCD Or Batumi Racks by 1 6
My Ultimate Eurorack Racks by 3 8
Missing modules? asking for suggestion Racks by 8 367
New to modular. Racks by 12 436
Planning out my first modular Racks by 1 2
My Ultimate Eurorack (copied from dimleaffall) (copied from Lugia) Racks by 9 15
First build goal. Pulling the triger on case and sequencer/sampler soon. Advice appreci... Racks by 1 140
Rack for generative patches Racks by 15 483
A bit of advice for my first modular! Racks by 1 1
My first steps in this (wallet) swamp.... Racks by 4 15
Jumpskiff 98HP Double Row Racks by 30 1464
First modular system ever - looking for thoughts one may need to consider Racks by 2 146
Advice for Troubleshooting Power Issues Please Racks by 14 542
Skiff with B&G Shared System Racks by 3 9
feeling uninspired Racks by 22 267
Intellijel Case Racks by 5 232
Would Love Feedback Racks by 13 405
iRA Racks by 2 105
Wanting to make generative modular techno. Racks by 9 333
Rickrack, my actual rack in use, 8+6 HP freed up, looking to add some new things Racks by 3 119
Another feedback/recommendation post Racks by 12 288
Symbolicate Racks by 1 4
My 40 HP Holiday Eurorack Racks by 12 295
Need suggestions: a verbal lashing invitation Racks by 4 119
Mod Machine for the Moog Sound Studio Racks by 4 106
What am i missing? (last 8hp) Racks by 7 131
Dream Rack. Am I missing anything? Racks by 7 299
My gorgeous Eurorack - where do I go from here? Racks by 12 131
Pittsburgh structure 420 (initial) Racks by 1 7