I found 1674 threads containing Different in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Sample Based Eurorack Racks by 15 435
Your favorite trig/gate/clock modifiers? Racks by 14 434
3D Printed case - Buddha Machine inspired You by 5 73
DOUBLE OCTAVE JUMP Patches by 1 40
Yes, another semi modular expansion. Need advice. Racks by 9 232
sbs acid You by 9 63
Cicadas and Warthogs You by 8 80
re organization advice Racks by 5 52
Werkstatt and Modular Jam (95bpm) You by 6 40
Ways to improve/fill out my first eurorack system Racks by 3 72
Trying something new, but still aiming for acid (of course) You by 9 128
Koyasan - New Module Experiment - Bloom and WMD PM You by 9 111
New Wave-y Improv You by 8 83
Looking for some advice Racks by 13 321
Wanting to make generative modular techno. Racks by 9 333
64HP and a backpack Racks by 13 662
experience with Dreadbox modules? Modular Discussions by 11 301
K2 MS20 Interface Rack Racks by 2 48
Favorite envelope generators Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid by 24 2185
How do you avoid frequency clashing when NOT using the modulare with a computer? Modular Discussions by 14 189
Do I need maths? Racks by 19 1406
Anybody have experience with Doepfer A-140-2 Modules by 11 504
modular scoring: CV+midi to DAW? Modular Discussions by 15 381
"Aquadrum" album-live performance video is now available on all digital platforms You by 8 80
Quick Sunday Stream earlier You by 5 42
Blue Lantern Modules Modules by 13 285
I will build my first modular rack. In the learning process.... 624HP (3 cases) 19U Racks by 15 8438
please explain slew generators..? Modular Discussions by 5 153
Live Rack for Techno Racks by 35 770
VCO>VCF>VCA or VCO>VCA>VCF? Modular Discussions by 11 688
Mutable instruments Beads Modules by 5 44310
My first modular synth for Max/MSP Racks by 10 216
Unity mixer to act as OR logic module? Modular Discussions by 6 76
Eurorack for Shamisen and Touch experimentation Racks by 4 106
your favorite sequencer(s)? Modules by 8 727
First Patch with Acidrain Chainsaw You by 11 139
u-he cvilization Modules by 6 140
Oscillator Modules with Inharmonic Spectra? (Harmonic Shift Oscillator a good bet?) Modules by 21 511
What do you think about my first modular? Racks by 5 246
VCAs for Dummies (or is it just me?) - How does this work? Modular Discussions by 12 1070
Electrical Noise on rack ModularGrid by 10 234
Make noise 7U Stereo VoxBox Racks by 9 154
I get a Serge urge! Modular Discussions by 3 48
Connecting one pair of monitors simultaneous to two mixers, is that all right? Racks by 11 111
Favorite / Least-favorite Mutable Instrument modules & recommended clones Modules by 7 1253
A $199 Bode Frequency Shifter!?!? Modules by 5 132
Nifty Expansion - Try 2 - Need Opinions - still a Newbie Racks by 7 184
Hypothetical Rack Racks by 18 523
Beginner needs suggestions Racks by 4 81
Beginner need helps! Racks by 28 736
I've been MIA but getting back into the (acid!) groove You by 16 160
Rack suggestions Racks by 21 164
Feedback on rack Racks by 7 202
Help me choose Modular Discussions by 8 227
It took years to perfect my rack and now it's final Racks by 19 1141
Expert Sleepers ES-6 Modules by 8 195
Jumped from a 12u 126hp MDLR case to a 15 u 197hp ADDAC case and a bit overwhelmed. Racks by 5 219
First Rack for Minibrute 2s Racks by 9 225
Mutable Instruments/Make Noise rack Racks by 8 188
Thoughts on this techno-centered performance system? Racks by 9 233
Opinions welcome... Racks by 10 769
Rack suggestions Racks by 1 103
Hikove's 416 redux Racks by 16 197
Erica Synths 2x84HP PSU ModularGrid by 4 86
Mescaline modules in rack - any pros? Modules by 8 161
Trance Gates You by 11 147
What am I missing? Racks by 7 213
Pandorum // Eurorack ambient You by 4 32
MIA Modular Synth Makers Modular Discussions by 3 84
Covid Drones by Mod Life Crisis You by 7 82
What comes next? updated beginner setup Racks by 2 92
Tear it apart! What would you remove/replace from this build? Racks by 2 78
feedback on first rack Racks by 18 366
First Modular - Feedback please :) Racks by 3 95
String modules? Modules by 11 194
Korg SQ-64? Modules by 26 791
How to merge 2 existing racks into one ? ModularGrid by 3 181
Minirig 3 Modules by 3 97
DFAM-based 2x60HP Racks by 7 152
my ambient rack. please tell me what you think Racks by 4 212
And/Or companion to the 208 Buchla (copy) Racks by 2 112
Sequencer's Violence You by 12 163
Die welt ist alles, was der fall ist Racks by 13 216
Some help needed with planning out a 7U system for IDM and Outsider House Racks by 7 136
Tips for my first dub processing rack Racks by 10 222
First Essential Rack Racks by 6 254
Opinion on my first DIY rack. Racks by 9 153
First rack, beginner Racks by 15 435
Darkmode/Layout - Issues with new design ModularGrid by 37 490
sawtooth-like ground noise from new modular system. Modular Discussions by 20 364
What next to go with Analogue Solutions Treadstone synth? Modules by 7 119
It's time for utilities Racks by 9 263
LFO suggestions Racks by 6 255
Slowdown minimal IDM jam You by 4 53
Modular groovebox plan - Update from a rack in a previous thread Racks by 5 116
Tip top audio - drum modules - differences? Modules by 2 46
Should I go ALL ANALOG? You by 13 167
7U ambient advices - what should I swap out? Racks by 4 193
wonderful quadrax Modules by 3 71
L-1 Cwejman Racks by 7 303