I found 305 threads containing KG in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
New to Modular - Advice Modular Discussions by 10 195
Distant | New Track You by 1 38
Generative Ambient patch.... You by 5 108
Jam in a Box #13 - New Begginings | Improvised Melodic Techno You by 4 71
My Eurorack build playlist You by 3 50
Dads Pedalboard Concept (copy) Racks by 4 104
Pallette Rample Percussion Looper Racks 7 116
Diving into eurorack and need some advice Racks by 15 249
how to: MIDI in to modular arp? Modular Discussions by 16 216
First build needs guidance (me and every other newbie) Racks by 7 211
VCO's through a sequencer... Modular Discussions by 16 283
First ever rack for experimental music. Racks by 14 369
Obnubilus (featuring M32, Microcosm, Starlab and Iridium) You by 9 141
Metropolix for acid sequence - accents out ? Modules by 8 326
Whats your favorite modules for textures? Modular Discussions by 17 459
7u ambient/generativish advices needed! Racks by 7 280
beginner sampler based rack Racks by 8 240
Advices for finish my first rack Racks by 20 360
How to: unison detune with spread? Modules by 16 410
(Yet Another) First Rack 6U 104HP Racks by 14 479
A first impression on the Blue Marvin You by 15 242
More control over the Eurorack Modular Discussions by 11 304
Getting a Fat Sub,can i use a Clock Divider? Modular Discussions by 39 675
your favorite FX modules / setups? Modules 21 1336
Looking for advice on how to plan my first Eurorack system (techno/drones/percussion) Racks 25 471
Swarm Test // AJH Wave Swarm demo You by 5 32
XAOC Odessa pitch CV V/Oct input range Modules by 9 194
67P | Latest Track You by 3 28
Artificial Singularity You by 10 128
Wading into the modular ocean with a simple SSM2044 filter setup Modular Discussions by 23 284
The Weather Man Racks by 26 393
TherMilon DnB You by 12 104
AEtherwaves Vol. 3 | AE Modular You by 6 49
This should NOT exist! Racks by 27 795
Schlappi Engineering 100 Grit Modules 4 5563
how to incorporate the XAOC NIN Racks by 7 138
Ambient Generative Rack with Ableton - Need Help! Racks by 11 181
Modular for sci fi video game track? Modular Discussions by 4 106
My Next Rack Racks by 30 684
multiple sequencers? Modular Discussions by 25 1153
questions on power needs / power conditioning Modular Discussions by 11 180
Ambient Drone with Mutable Instruments Beads, Plaits, Rings, Marbles You this user has left ModularGrid 6 258
Yes, another semi modular expansion. Need advice. Racks by 9 232
Koyasan - New Module Experiment - Bloom and WMD PM You by 9 111
Expert Sleepers ES-8 Bitwig Edition Modules by 1 1912
How do you avoid frequency clashing when NOT using the modulare with a computer? Modular Discussions by 14 189
Do I need maths? Racks by 19 1412
modular scoring: CV+midi to DAW? Modular Discussions by 15 381
Live Rack for Techno Racks by 35 772
Second Acidrain Chainsaw Patch You by 5 58
First Patch with Acidrain Chainsaw You by 11 139
Oscillator Modules with Inharmonic Spectra? (Harmonic Shift Oscillator a good bet?) Modules by 21 515
Electrical Noise on rack ModularGrid by 10 239
New album - systasis002 - limited cassette edition You by 10 76
Rack suggestions Racks by 21 164
Esoteric as... Streaming live. You by 4 50
My first Modular - pls help Racks by 15 527
First Jam on the new setup! Racks by 4 64
Korg SQ-64? Modules by 26 794
Sequencer's Violence You by 12 163
Opinion on my first DIY rack. Racks by 9 156
sawtooth-like ground noise from new modular system. Modular Discussions by 20 366
What’s your experience with Dnipro Dot sequencer? Modules by 5 142
New to Eurorack... Destroy my dreams Racks by 16 450
Stereo output with cue... please advise Racks by 13 522
Please fill the gap Racks by 14 268
After following several guides, I have my first rack. But will it work? Racks by 5 112
Endorphin.es. BLCK_NOIR vs. Queen of Pentacles Modules by 8 1041
I want a fish sandwich, but I cant find the fish! You by 6 68
Question - 512 Vector Sequencer with other pitch and gate connections Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 9 107
this will be my first modular. does this make sense? help pls Racks by 15 517
Thoughts on a sticky thread for folks putting together their first racks? Racks by 13 192
OK...Behringer 2600, finally Modular Discussions by 3 150
The most Techno thing I've made so far! You by 5 75
Weird Forest Thing with Birds Patches by 3 103
Couple of new tracks You by 8 86
rack feedback request, round 3 Racks by 18 338
The Perfect CV Controller You by 3 103
Seeking Opinions/Advice for Optimizing my First System Racks by 16 421
feadback for my first eurorack. ModularGrid by 20 426
advice please: creating a powerful rig for interesting EDM bass / lead lines Racks by 16 557
opinions / critique : how to balance depth and focus on a self-contained system Racks by 3 125
supplying power. Modular Discussions by 4 56
Best studio desks, monitors and sound acoustic treatment packages for modular gear? Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 19 297
BN Video Case In Progress Racks by 5 67
Palette for extra modulation/logic Racks by 13 282
Doepfer A 135-2 VCA Issue - Video Modules by 1 52
Creating a slowly evolving system, with sound coming in and out taking turns. Modules by 6 173
My Not-So-Noob-Anymore Update Racks by 25 337
Acid Bassline Racks by 10 492
Pico Case - Ambient drone with Plaits Racks by 9 301
Filthy Acidic Funk Jam Thing You by 4 35
Please evaluate this A-100 (Doepfer) system Racks by 21 272
New Mutable Instruments Clouds, er... Beads Modules by 17 333
Starter build - attempt Racks by 4 165
First modular build - comments & criticism Racks by 10 305
Audio Out? Modules by 5 332
Help with USB/MIDI to CV Modular Discussions by 7 375
Kallax Racks by 9 390
Prok Modular SN Modules by 1 1444