I found 6056 threads containing LO in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
If analog mono OSC connected to the stereo effec, then sound will be stereo? Modules by 4 71
Knobs! Modular Discussions by 2 94
Image caching on ModularGrid ModularGrid by 5 101
Spectral Harmonic Eurorack You by 4 83
Guitar Solo You by 12 152
Favorite Modules for Matriarch Modules by 5 65
Modules and other hardware + Sale on my BandCamp LPs You by 1 38
Live sequencing Patches by 1 61
Adding a Computer and a sound card into the setup - Suggestions? Modular Discussions by 5 103
Selling a giant Rack in Vienna, Austria. Anyone interested? Racks by 2 48
Newcomer against Varigate? Modular Discussions by 4 114
Finish my case Racks by 8 193
Erica Synths Graphic VCO Modules by 3 7407
My version of a versatile Rackbrute build - an anecdote for beginners. Racks by 1 130
Behringer 100M - suggestions for next steps? Racks by 8 215
No Light Things: played a modular set at Transmitter Brewing, Brooklyn You by 3 90
What to add? Racks by 8 220
Fraudster in markedplace ModularGrid by 7 310
Patch #2 sirens (copy) Patches by 1 17
Oficina de Sonido Modules Modules by 2 57
Yet another beginner rack (adding to Moog Sound Studio) Racks by 7 242
Doppio amp, limiter, etc from ThreeTom Modular build and demo You by 1 28
Patch #3 Patches by 1 31
Bizarre Jezabel blossom ブロッサム Modules by 12 2301
Been awhile, more feedback patching You by 5 75
VYGER|2405** Racks by 1 63
What's your approach to organizing multiple cases/racks? Racks by 10 234
And along came that sound… Patches by 1 21
Steady State Fate Muton Modules by 11 4852
What's an "envelope follower" and why do I need one? Modules by 6 650
Help me design my skiff Racks by 12 276
Cloudlab 200t Reaktor - The Yard You by 1 38
Dusk - A duet between birds and modular synths You by 1 21
Suggestions Racks by 3 108
Serge inspired rack. Racks by 3 99
Another feedback/recommendation post Racks by 12 288
ooo Travel Ambient Case - what do you think? Can it work? Racks by 10 215
First play on the Veno-Echo from Venus Instruments You by 12 161
Best friends 4-ever: VCV Rack + Hydrasynth Explorer You by 1 13
Manhattan Analog CVP Modules by 1 400
Ambient for a friend - From the ground up You by 2 59
Where the sun sets You by 1 31
Advice on filling the gap Racks by 8 93
What pitch should be used for samples, to play back accurately with v/oct Patches by 7 169
DFAM + 100 Grit & Rings + Dipole You by 3 35
Would Love Feedback Racks by 13 405
SoundForce Samples II Modules by 3 1441
Sequenced Delay Patches by 1 32
Sequenced Delay, Timbre, and 5th Harmonic Patches by 1 20
Patch #1 vessels Patches by 1 24
Plonk into Resonate - Marbles as the note gambler... You by 5 59
ModularGrid is moving to a new server ModularGrid by 8 220
CSV file ModularGrid by 7 72
Westlicht PER|FORMER Modules by 14 2674
when is useful a matrix mixer You by 5 122
What does this need? Racks by 3 97
Metro Detroit Area DIY people Modular Discussions by 6 57
Foldiplier kit from Zlob Modular build and demo You by 1 14
Slow jam from 28 April 2024 You by 1 27
DIY Berlin School v3 Racks by 2 104
Space Birds Patches by 1 45
aspirational machine Racks by 6 106
What does this need? Racks by 4 81
Setup focused on Electroacoustic and Musique Concrete Modular Discussions by 4 193
Move kit from Music Thing Modular build and demo You by 1 18
frequency central stasis leak background noise Modules by 10 136
Befaco Arradio Modules by 1 125
Buchla Easel stand-in Racks by 2 94
AtoVproject cLFO Modules by 2 252
Generative Ambient patch - Sealegs, Beads, Marbles, Plaits, Rings You by 1 36
System XZ Racks by 2 429
lo0king to make a drone system in 84HP? Racks by 7 179
- Racks by 6 145
Turing Machine ideas Modular Discussions by 6 132
Not to be the experimental Noise Music Guy, But I have Video Modules to test as well (W... You by 1 30
VST Oscilloscope Modular Discussions by 5 146
Kick drum with sequenced pitch Patches by 1 37
Simple Kick Drum Patches by 1 32
fluctuating distortion Modular Discussions by 1 40
Shakmat Modular Jeweler Cast Modules 4 1985
New video Birdflight inspired ambient You by 1 25
small setup for a modular break Racks by 12 267
10HP Random Module Ideas Racks by 6 229
Roland 100m (original version/not Behringer 100) ModularGrid by 1 24
What can my disting mk4 do in this rack? Racks by 5 103
Harvestman Racks by 5 105
Ear Modular Boxing Modules by 2 317
EP release to help feed some hungry people - can you help? You by 1 11
Shakmat Modular Clock O'Pawn MKII Modules by 3 1486
Bark Filter or Piston Donut ? Racks by 1 33
My Monster Eurorack (copy) Racks by 1 102
My future debt Racks by 10 1620
EDU Hi Hat v2 kit from MIKI and Erica Synths build and demo You by 1 5
Bastl Instruments KASTLE DRUM Modules by 3 77
Xaoc Drezno, Can't Get any Sound Out, My Bad? Modules by 16 261
Two New Modular LPs and an EP You by 1 12
Winterbloom Neptune Modules by 2 692
Subharmonicon with external envelope generators Modules by 5 121
Project Victor fx Racks by 5 267
DIY Berlin School with matrix mixer Racks by 2 138