I found 1090 threads containing tàin in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Bug Report ModularGrid by 132 2017
Feature Request ModularGrid by 516 7839
 Change Log ModularGrid by 180 2362
The ModularGrid Poster ModularGrid by 1 5
 Marketplace ModularGrid by 59 9821
 Good Traders on the Marketplace ModularGrid by 1262 26984
manufacturer-approved module with misleading tags ModularGrid by 3 34
Comments on Rigs ModularGrid by 2 ..
How to deal with dubious traders? ModularGrid by 13 312
Pedalgrid ModularGrid by 12 612
Adding plugs in PedalGrid? ModularGrid by 3 13
Alternate panel clutter ModularGrid by 2 31
Spam post (modules section) ModularGrid by 11 72
The 'shopping list' feature ModularGrid by 4 21
Planning feature requests ModularGrid by 7 9
An idea to de-clutter the forum ModularGrid by 12 34
Free State FX Macro Digital Oscillator: Display Conundrum ModularGrid this user has left ModularGrid by 5 5
Unintended penalty for early unicorn account renewal? ModularGrid by 5 17
Issues when recalling a sketched patch ModularGrid by 1 6
Add information to modules? ModularGrid by 7 160
Bug Report ModularGrid by 3 25
Slow Loading (up to 1 minute) of Racks in Command Center and Me section. ModularGrid by 13 116
Edit manufacturer approved modules? ModularGrid by 3 29
Suggestion: Similar modules ModularGrid by 3 64
New option, 19" racks! ModularGrid by 6 270
 Bad traders on the marketplace [no doxing!] ModularGrid this user has left ModularGrid by 120 7280
Modular: do you need it? Really? ModularGrid by 8 534
Feature Request: Module Consolidation ModularGrid by 5 118
Venturing into Quadrophonic ambient modular synthesis ModularGrid by 11 167
Feature Req: "DC Offset" module tag ModularGrid by 1 25
Replace pots Make Noise Maths ModularGrid by 43 844
Feature Request: Firmware Update Notifications ModularGrid by 2 43
UK Option in Marketplace ModularGrid by 26 295
Modules disappearing from rack ModularGrid by 4 85
Please, please, please how do I get rid of that @&^% cat? ModularGrid by 20 811
feadback for my first eurorack. ModularGrid by 20 426
Thonk is not the manufacturer of Dannysound modules. Dannysound is. ModularGrid by 11 162
Request to add options to Function / Secondary Function ModularGrid by 5 95
Electrical Noise on rack ModularGrid by 10 239
Where to place diy versions of modules on the marketplace? ModularGrid by 1 31
I got a negative rating without selling ModularGrid by 6 347
Vendor Shortlist? ModularGrid by 3 25
Electric Trick / Power zones? ModularGrid by 4 70
Is there a way to export my modules into something like a .csv or .xls? ModularGrid by 7 383
Elka MK88 midi keyboard - Eurorack ? ModularGrid by 10 90
Feature request - 1U 3U ModularGrid by 6 233
Please add specific EU countries to the region drop down ModularGrid by 1 48
Idea: flip modules 90 degrees, allow stacking ModularGrid by 8 394
Question about pricing of modules ModularGrid by 6 171
UX ModularGrid by 2 47
How do I earn trust if I haven’t sold/traded anything? ModularGrid by 3 71
Is this an information site? ModularGrid by 15 563
Builder's note unexpected behavior ModularGrid by 3 53
Delay 2hp ModularGrid by 6 109
Package lost. Refund legit? ModularGrid by 32 685
Uploading an image sets it as the default image, I have images of 130 black modules, I ... ModularGrid by 1 90
Defunct manufacturers that still have manufacturer-approved (i.e. locked) module pages ModularGrid by 3 221
Posting alternative panels as modules? ModularGrid by 14 274
Function category idea - I2C ModularGrid by 1 25
Bulcha vs euro ModularGrid by 2 46
Dedicated fx for certain modular systems/synths? Modular Discussions by 6 33
Eurorack Video Tutorial list Modular Discussions by 7 12
How much is a module on average? Modular Discussions by 5 15
Placement no-nos? Modular Discussions by 4 9
Moog Sub 37 Meets Euro Rack Modular Discussions by 8 316
Where to buy modular synth modules? Modular Discussions by 9 417
Instrument design basics: how/where to start Modular Discussions by 2 20
Beginner Q: Full synth voice VS separate modules? Modular Discussions by 14 139
Am I missing the point of modular? Modular Discussions by 9 220
"Delay" a sequencer output Modular Discussions by 11 8
advanced triggered pitch & amplitude modulation? Modular Discussions by 2 10
Novice question about jumpers Modular Discussions by 5 5
Starting off with modular synthesizers (for the average synthesist): a primer (of sorts) Modular Discussions by 5 1039
Examples for study: monosynths that people will kill you for to this day Modular Discussions by 9 66
Useful musical references: some early electronic (pre-synth, more or less) works Modular Discussions by 1 29
More useful musical references: early synthesizers and their recorded use Modular Discussions by 1 20
Affordable bare bones portable modular setup Modular Discussions by 22 1377
The Synthesizer, in four parts (long instructional essay) Modular Discussions by 3 96
Plays Well with Others... Modular Discussions by 3 121
Prepackaged systems versus assemble your own? Modular Discussions by 22 154
West Coast Industrial Setup like NIN Modular Discussions by 5 87
Behringer System 100m, hm? Modular Discussions by 4 188
Modules for FM and Wavetable synthesis? Modular Discussions by 9 307
Budget system ideas Modular Discussions by 3 114
VCV versus the real thing: some thoughts Modular Discussions by 9 687
DAMN!!! :( :( :( Modular Discussions by 10 67
Someone who speaks Portuguese here Modular Discussions by 4 17
Clock issue Digitone vs Shuttle Control vs Metropolis Modular Discussions by 3 23
Combining Modules in use Modular Discussions by 3 12
 Why to NOT get into modular synthesis Modular Discussions by 84 5357
Closest Maths alternative, but smaller Modular Discussions by 6 2678
Help me!!! My first modular rack... Modular Discussions by 14 227
modular modular case Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid by 10 412
New to modular? Maybe this can be a beacon? Modular Discussions by 12 497
amplifier + attenuator necessary? Modular Discussions by 2 71
Sound quality and recording Modular Discussions by 9 248
ACL & Waldorf modules Modular Discussions by 22 210
Power consumption. Modular Discussions by 6 444
Sequencer search, with repeat option Modular Discussions 78 1463