
On Grid since May 18th, 2017

Racks Visit Command Center

4 x 62 Palette (temp)Eurorack
Buchla 18 PU v6Buchla
Buchla 24 PUBuchla
Buchla 18 PU v5Buchla
7 x 104 EloquencerEurorack
19 x 180 Next StudioEurorack
Buchla Modern EaselBuchla
4 x 62Eurorack
4 x 62 Palette (Intellijel)Eurorack
19 x 180 Current StudioEurorack
4 x 62 Palette (Noise Engineering)Eurorack
19 x 180 Previous StudioEurorack
5 Tier MoogEurorack
3 x 104 System CartesianEurorack
PT3 Current StudioPedals
Metro 20 Current LivePedals

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Collection 437 modules

Pressure Points, Brains, μVCA II, Tides (2014 version), Peaks, Maths, Rosie, modDemix 2014, Richter Wogglebug 2014, Warps, Moog Mother-32, LxD (Low Strike Duo), Rings, A-184-1v, Optomix rev2 2016, Rainmaker, Quadratt 1U, Audio I/O 1U, µMIDI 1U, USB Power 1U, Kinks, ZeroScope, 6HP 1U Blank, 4HP 1U Blank, 2HP 1U Blank, uZeus, Pamela's NEW Workout, Logic, Mix, Tune, A-111-3v, Chance, Disting mk4, Headphones 1U, Noise Tools 1U, Buff Mult 1U, S+H, VCA, Pexp-1, Expert Sleepers Disting MK4 (alternate panel), AVert, Tune (Black Panel), Div (Black Panel), Verb (Black Panel), Mix (Black Panel), Pedal I/O 1U, Pedal I/O JACKS 1U, Mixup, VCA (Black Panel), µBurst, Magneto, Plaits, Stages, Marbles, Tides, Steppy 1U, MMF, Logic (Black Panel), Contour (blue knobs), A-121-3, Mimeophon, DUAL VCA 1U, Stereo Line Out 1U, East river drive, M291 Dyna Comp Mini, Tonal Recall Red Knob Mod, Super Blues Pro, M299 Carbon Copy Mini, Flint, MultiSwitch, BlueSky, Timeline, 1/4" Right Angle Flat Metal Plug, 1/4" Right Angle Round Barrel Metal Plug, 1/4" Right Angle Flat Plug Top Facing Left, 1/4" Right Angle Flat Plug Top Facing Right, 1/4" Right Angle Flat Plug Top Back to Back, Dyna Comp, PHASE 95, Tube Screamer Mini, Electric Blue Chorus, BD-2 Blues Driver, Timmy, CC2, Iridium, Tumnus Deluxe, DPC.micro, Gravitas, Condor, Mood, qCONNECT, Mini Tap Tempo, dB+ V2 Buffer / Clean Boost Pedal, TU-3S, Altoids Wintergreen Tin, Night Wire, Dark World, Warped Vinyl MkI, Protostar, Pedaltrain Classic Junior, Zeroscope 1U, Links, Hat, Function (white knobs), Stereo Line Out JACKS 1U, 1440, Blooper, POG 2, Instant Lo-Fi Junky Vexter, Midibox 2, Meris Preset Switch, Pitchblack Mini, MC3, A-110-2V, Zadar, Bloom (Silver Panel), Chord v2 (Silver Panel), Snare Drum (White Panel), Hi-Hat (White Panel), Bass Drum (White Panel), Four Channel Mixer (White Panel), P-120 Dual switchable “OR”, P-180 Octal switchable “OR”, A-135-3, Subharmonicon (2020 edition), Black Joystick2, Maestro, Voltage Block (Black Panel), Morphagene, Rene Mk2, FSR 1U, Passive LPG 1U, Mult, MMF (Black Panel), Beads, A-140-2, u1P, Switch, STO, Duke of Tone, Tumnus Overdrive, Generation Loss MKII, Wombtone mkII, Tonal Recall, Generation Loss, Big Sky, '59 sound, Spectre (Blue Knob), Benson Preamp Mk. II Automatone, Tri Parallel Mixer, MC-8 Mk ii, TU-3, Pedaltrain Classic Pro, Pedaltrain Nano , Pedaltrain Metro 20, Pedaltrain Metro 24, Duatt, Boss Bow Two, Branches, DFAM - Drummer From Another Mother, Constellation, Rubicon II, Morgasmatron, Dixie II, Verb, Telharmonic, modDemix (black panel), State Variable Filter (White Panel), XPO, XOH, QPAS, STO (Black and Gold), LxD (Black and Gold), Pamela's PRO Workout, SIG+ 4 Track Stochastic Inspiration Generator, Buff ( Black Panel), PPEXP1, MATHS (black panel), Telharmonic (Black and Gold), Golden Master 1U (silver), DATA (SILVER), FX AID Pro, A-124, FX AID XL, Metropolix, ADE-32 Octocontroller, Intellijel Duatt + Buff + Buff, Intellijel Duatt + Mult + Mult, Intellijel Switch + Mult + Mult, Mosaic Hat + Snare + Kick, Mosaic Filter + Mixer + Reverb, Intellijel 3 VCA, Intellijel Steppy + Quadratt + VCAs, Switched Mult 1U, Mult 1U, Mono Reverb (White Panel), Azimuth II, Switch (Black Panel), ochd, Blank Panel, Quadrax, μFold II/uFold II, Qx, Stereo Line In JACKS 1U, Stereo Line In 1U, Intellijel Jacks, Stages - Black Panel, uGrids, Shifty, Pulsar, Veils (2020), Vice Virga, Prism (Silver Panel), Dusty Clouds - PNW Makeover kit, Dusty Clouds - Quadratt 1U Matte Black / Gold panel, Dusty Clouds - Buff Mult 1U Matte Black / Gold panel, Dusty Clouds - Noise Tools 1U Matte Black / Gold panel, Dusty Clouds - Dual VCA 1U Matte Black / Gold panel, Dusty Clouds - MULTI-FX 1U Matte Black / Gold panel, Multi-FX 1U, Dusty Clouds - Stereo Line Out 1U Matte Black / Gold panel, Batumi, Dusty Clouds Pamela's PRO Workout (PPW) Makeover kit - Matte Black / Gold, Dusty Clouds - PPEXP1 Matte Black / Gold panel, Gx, Steppy + Duatt + Slew + Mult + Switch + VCAs, A-134-2, Buff, uPlaits (black), uPeaks (Black), Kick (Black Panel), Snare (Black Panel), Hat (Black Panel), Mimetic Digitalis (Black), MiniMix (Black Panel), Dusty Clouds - Switched Mult 1U Matte Black / Gold panel, Dusty Clouds - Stereo Mixer 1U Matte Black / Gold panel, Intellijel Metropolix - Audio Parasites black panel, USB Extender 3U, disting EX, Lapsus Os (Black), Ikarie, Dusty Clouds - PPEXP2 Matte Black / Gold panel, PPEXP2, uO_C, ENVy, EX Pexp-2, Doupples, Pointeuse, Dusty Clouds - USB Power 1U Matte Black / Gold panel, 4xMUTE - black, 4xMUTE, uO_C, 3:1, USB Extender 1U, FH-2 'factotum', Shapeshifter, Sample Drum, LS1lightstrip, Sinc Bucina, Stereo Mixer 1U, TILT, Intellijel Steppy + Mosaic Drums, SLEW (Silver), MULT (Silver Panel), Switch (Silver Panel), Mosaic FX + Plum Mult + USB, MSCL (Black Panel), FHX-8CV Expander for FH-2, Switch (Black Panel), Dusty Clouds - Blank 1U 2HP Matte Black / Gold panel, ADSRVCA, Eloquencer, EME (Black), Pizza, Dusty Clouds - Duatt 1U Matte Black / Gold panel, Monsoon, Unity (Black Panel), FILThy, Flip, RND STEP, Ripples (2020), Tone, Quad VCA, 4x Stereo Mix , Poti, Nin, Mutamix, Blinds, PanMix Jr, Rnd v2 (Black Panel), Dusty Clouds - Pedal I/O 1U Matte Black / Gold panel, flower pedals Sunflower Deluxe Tremolo, FX AID_black, 1hp Blank, Erbe-Verb (black panel), Echophon (black panel), Tempi, MMG, X-Pan, Instant LoFi Junky, AA.1, Tessitura Tailor, ADSR Envelope (White Panel), MSCL, Sealegs, Surface (Silver), Black Stereo Mixer V3, FX AID XL (black & gold), Isolator (2022) black, ochd expander, Pitch, STEPS, BLEND, Kick, Snare, Xcelon, Basil, Changes, Switchblade, F8R, Pachinko (Black) , Urd, Brst, Plonk, Debel Iteritas Alia, Manis Iteritas Alia, Basimilus Iteritas Alia, Assimil8or, Varigate 4+ (Black), Vice Virga (Silver), DPO (black panel), nanoRings, 4tten, Crucible, Overseer (black panel), S.B.G, Stomp, A-150, ARBA 3U (Silver), MMF, Electus Versio (Silver), Numeric Repetitor, Pons Asinorum, Pura Ruina (Silver), Cockpit 1U (silver), Mimetic Digitalis, 1uO_c - 4Robots, Midi 1U, FX AID, Integra Funkitus, Outs, 4U x 62HP Palette Case Top Row SILVER (0.5U), Viol Ruina, Yester Versio , Desmodus Versio, Numeric Repetitor (Black), Pons Asinorum (Black), Pura Ruina, Overseer, Viol Ruina (Silver), Incus Iteritas Alia, Cursus Iteritas Alia, Ataraxic Iteritas Alia, Electus Versio, Ruina Versio, Imitor Versio, Terci Ruina, Melotus Versio, Lacrima Versio, C4RBN, Jam Jam (Silver), Jam Jam, Electronic Music Box I/O, 208C, Model 281e, 218e / LEM218, Model 251e, Model 266e, Model 261e, Model 292e, Dual CV Polymorpher - Model 2OC.21, Effect Processor - Model 2H9 V3, Stochastic Voltage Generator (SVG), Model 291e, Model 252e, Variatic Erumption, Roucha Legio (Silver), 1U Mult, uO_C 1U, TSNM mkII, MIX (Black Panel), FX AID XL_black, Roucha Legio, Opp Ned, Ghost (black), µVCF, Morbus Legio, T12, The GodFather, Model 257e, 258e / DPO, Control and Signal Router, Jamming Mixer - Model 2JaM, Model 296e, Atlantix, Model 223e, Evenmidi 4U - Model 2EM, Model 259e, Labyrinth, Control Voltage Slew Processor, Model 285e, Mobile Effect Engine – cardME, Voltage Controlled Filter MODEL 291 Card, Ampla Versio, Ampla Versio (Silver), Zularic Repetitor, cardEM + cardOC, Compact Function Generator (CFG), Times & Triggers - MODEL 2TTs, Spectral Resonator - Model 2SR, Model 222e, Model 256e, Model 225e, Model 250e, Model 207e, 254v, disting NT, 281h Dual Function Generator, Time & Triggers - Model hTT, hED+hVC, Lacrima Versio (Silver), Delayed Inveloper - Model hDI, hED+hDI, Animated Tricillator - Model 2AT - Sifam, Dusty Clouds - Headphones 1U Matte Black / Gold panel and SVF 1U
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