20 HP
40 mm deep
Current Draw
137 mA +12V
76 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$180 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

4-Channel Stereo Mixer with Ducking/Sidechain and Filter

The M4TM DuckMixer is a new concept in compact performance-oriented mixers. On the surface, this is a great-sounding 8-mono-channel mixer with channel-by channel attenuation and panning, including headphone and modular-level outputs. And then there’s the DUCK, which allows you to use the first channel or one of the dedicated duck inputs and have everything else duck around it. The depth and decay of that ducking can be adjusted. On top of that, there’s a bonkers ZV.HP filter added to those dedicated inputs, 2 effects sends (mapped to the center 2 channels) - AND LIGHTS! Oh the lights! All jacks are illuminated from within, and the attenuate, balance, and depth/decay knobs all light to indicate signal level.


submitted Apr 23rd, 07:41 by M4TM | last Change Oct 2nd, 19:34 by M4TM
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