Modular for the Masses

Designs by the famous Juanito! Hive Mind Synthesis helps us to get these designs out of their brain and into your hands.

909 Hat, Duck Mixer, Nyquist Nightmare, Hungry Rat and 909 CRC are among Modular for the Masses most popular products.


Modular for the Masses

Trigger Sequencer

$150 MSRP

Double Plus Bass

Modular for the Masses

Full featured kick drum

$110 MSRP
14 HP Drum


Modular for the Masses

Classic diode ladder with a few twists

$85 MSRP

Duck Mixer

Modular for the Masses

4-Channel Stereo Mixer with Ducking/Sidechain and Filter

$180 MSRP

909 Hat

Modular for the Masses

Deluxe TR-909 Hi Hats

$90 MSRP
6 HP Drum

909 CRC

Modular for the Masses

TR-909 Crash/Ride/Cowbell

$85 MSRP
2 HP Drum

Hungry Rat

Modular for the Masses

Drainable Distortion with swappable Opamp Chips

$90 MSRP

Easy Ei8ht

Modular for the Masses

8-Channel Trigger Sequencer with Clicky Keys

$120 MSRP


Modular for the Masses

Granular Delay & Quantizer

$120 MSRP

Clap Clap

Modular for the Masses

Disco Clap Module

$85 MSRP
2 HP Drum

Nyquist Nightmare

Modular for the Masses

Audio Mangling Modulator/Demodulator

$95 MSRP


Modular for the Masses

Kick-focused Resonant Filter

$60 MSRP


Modular for the Masses

Snap-adjustable snare with built-in delay

$85 MSRP