4 HP
24 mm deep
Current Draw
7 mA +12V
7 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$79 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

ambidextrous four channel attenuverting mixer

The Giraffe is an ambidextrous four channel attenuverting mixer for both audio and CV signals. An attenuverting version of our 2+2 Mixer module. The signal path is extremely versatile allowing it to function in five different configurations.

A Four Channel Mixer

Each channel is able to mix inverted or non-inverted versions of the incoming signal.

A Pair of Two Channel Mixers

Channel 1 and Channel 2 group together to create a two channel mixer. Channel 3 and Channel 4 group together to create a two channel mixer. Each channel able to mix inverted or non-inverted versions of the incoming signal.

Four Independent Attenuverters

Channels 1-4 work as independent audio or CV signal attenuverters.

Two Attenuverters and a Two Channel Mixer

Channel 1 and Channel 2 work as independent attenuverters while Channel 3 and Channel 4 group together to create a two channel mixer or Channel 1 and Channel 2 group together to create a two channel mixer while Channel 3 and Channel 4 work as independent attenuverters.

One Attenuverter and a Three Channel Mixer

Channels 2-4 group together to create a three channel mixer while Channel 1 works as an independent attenuverter.

Patch Notes

The input of Channel 3 is normaled to the input of Channel 1.
Patching the output of channel 1 or 3 will remove it from the mixer circuit and create an independent attenuverter.
Patching the output of channel 2 splits channels 1 and 2 from the out 4 mix output creating a pair of two channel mixers. Channel 1-2 and Channel 3-4.


submitted Mar 12th 2021, 21:29 by Flieher | last Change Mar 17th 2021, 15:32 by motorhead412

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