4 HP
39 mm deep
Current Draw
6 mA +12V
1 mA -12V
? mA 5V
$119 Price in €

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is currently available.

5-Step Voltage Sequencer

  • compact 5 step sequencer.
  • great for anything where a repeating stepped modulation is wanted for adding movement to sounds.
  • 5 minishaft potentiometers for adjusting the 5 steps voltages, ranging from 0 to +5V.
  • pattern length switch for selecting 3, 4 or 5 steps.
  • All analogue circuitry.
  • schmitt triggers on inputs and buffered output.
  • slim 4HP footprint.
  • compact 39mm Depth (with power cable attached).
  • low power draw: 6mA +12V / 1mA -12V / 0mA +5V.
  • Fast responding CV inputs allow for clocking up to audio rate.


Ø 4.05 (20 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Nov 30th 2015, 14:39 by wofl | last Change Jul 28th 2022, 05:48 by sempervirent

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