
On Grid since February 16th, 2020

Racks Visit Command Center

My 168 5-6Eurorack
My 168 1-4Eurorack
Rupert Neve500 Series
My fretted EurorackEurorack
Behringer Go UpperEurorack
Behringer Go (double)Eurorack
My milkless SergeSerge
Arturia rackbrute 6u & 3u bundleEurorack

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Collection 224 modules

A1, Toolbox, MOK Waverazor Dual Oscillator, Laserbox, Fxbox, Bitbox 2.0, Spectral Multiband Resonator, Tapographic Delay, MEGA-TANG, Pamela's PRO Workout, ASQ-1, MFX, MCFx2, Tyso Daiko, AXON-1, Jumble Henge, Pip Slope (mk II), Boss Bow Two, Quaid Megaslope, Squid Salmple, HPO, mmMidi, mmT, Generator Step Sequencer, Pizza, Softpop SP2, Cinnamon - Black, イセーニン (ISE-NIN) VOICE, Rachael, Deckard's Voice, Cellz, East Beast, West Pest, Function Junction, MMF-2, ochd, TSNM mkII, Touch Sensing Note Memory, A-174-4 Joy Stick II Black Edition, A-124 SE, A-121sV, polygogo, ZOIA Euroburo, Ghost (black), Ground Control (silver), Running Order (silver), Milky Way (silver), Queen of Pentacles (silver), Blck_Noir (silver), Quadrantid Swarm (desktop 40hp), weather drones 1.5, Tele Blender (Gold Version), Broken Tape Tracker (Gold), Tassel, Space station gold TUBE LDR !, IMAGINARY FRIEND eurorack, Cloudbusting Gold XP 2021 Black Gold, Chiptune Oscillator / Drum, Loopman, Scull Broken Tape Simulator V2, spanky eurorack, BLIND NOISE EURORACK, Misha, ES-9, Palaces (Gold), Anthesis, USTA, QSC - Quad Stereo Channel, FUMANA, Mᴼᴺᴱ - Masterone, Malgorithm MK III, Kermit MK III, Bionic Lester MK III, Hertz Donut MK III, Andore Jr., Piston Honda MK III, Argos Bleak, φ, Cruïnn, Cnōc, làrachd, lìon, tágh (Legacy), arbhar expander, Lúbadh expander, Lúbadh, arbhar, Sinfonion, SCION, Harmonaig, Metropolix, Planar 2, Morgasmatron, Tetrapad, Plonk, Rainmaker, Atlantis, Dual ADSR, K4815 Pattern Generator, Brains, Pressure Points, Optomix rev2 2016, X-Pan, XPO, Varigate 8+ (Black Panel), Grone Drone 2, Filter Eko, GRONE dark drone machine EXPANDER, Grone Drone Synth, Grone 2, Mini Grone Drone Synth, Filton, Noisy Oscillator, Comb Filter, Formant Filter, Ansible, Teletype, Subharmonicon (2020 edition), DFAM - Drummer From Another Mother, Moog Mother-32, DATA (SILVER), Beads, Blades, Tides, Marbles, Stages, Plaits, Ears, Rings, Warps, Clouds, Elements, Quantus Trajecta, Lacrima Versio, Electus Versio, Ampla Versio, Melotus Versio (silver), Ruina Versio, Loquelic Iteritas Percido (Black), Virt Iter Legio, Desmodus Versio, Cursus Iteritas Percido (Silver), Loquelic Iteritas Percido (Black), Taiga, Koi, Elephant, Narwhal, A Filter of Crows, The Wolf Channel Strip VCA, Dynamics Controller Bat, Polar Bear, Llama, Flamingo, Lifeforms SV-1b , Lifeforms Primary Oscillator b, Gibbon, Lifeforms Touch Controller, Lifeforms Voltage Lab, Electronic Sequence Designer 128, Lifeforms System Interface, Lifeforms Percussion Sequencer, Lifeforms KB-1, Hector, Nautilus, Data Bender (Silver), Aurora, Cascade, Surface (Silver), Bloom, Chord v2, Prism, Nebulae V2 silver, Panharmonium, Triton, Vector Wave, M185 Sequencer, Vector Wave Expander, Lyra8-FX, Spectral Processor, Hermod, Tonestar 8106 BLACK, Euro Bananas, CVGT1, Buchla 245t, Buchla 281t, Buchla 266t , Buchla 257t, Buchla 292t, Buchla 258t, Circadian Rhythms (BLACK), Touchplate Keyboard, Harmonic Oscillator, Voltage Multistage, Bark Filter Processor, Mini Horse, meloDICER, fourMative CONTOURS, randomRHYTHM, twinVCFilter, qMI2 - Quad MIDI Interface, Fourmulator Quad Digital LFO, Performance Mixer LE, Eloquencer, Koszalin, Sofia, Poczdam, Sopot, Zagrzeb, Mińsk, Moskwa II, Sarajewo, Odessa, Drezno, Batumi, Nerdseq Grey Aluminium Front, Coral, MST Noise / Sample & Hold / Track & Hold, Zeno’s Paradox, KRAKONG, Analog Waveguide, ConseQuencer, Cell, LE BINÔME mk2 and Sawtooth Stack

Rated Modules

This User rated 1 modules.

84hp Blank Panel (5)
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