Thread: Mother 32 + DFAM expander-rack
Hey everyone! IM about to start my Journey in the eurorack world and IM so stoked to spend absurd amount of time (and money..) on this new-found love! I have a mother 32 and a DFAM in a twotier rack and IM planning on keeping it that way, but to expand this system with 2 84hp Tiptop HE racks in a custom made box.
The Idea is that the top rack is More towards modulation and effects. The lower rack is focusing More to be a kind of a standalone ”synth” or as a complement to the mother 32. Beacause IM totalt new to this i just wanted to check of a
Few thing First..
- Is it worth having an additional vca? I was thinking about ditching rings for like a Veils or Blinds.
- I was planning on controlling the lower rack with a keystep, is this do-able or should i go for a sequencer? I was in that case looking on the malekko varigate 4+ or PML Microsequencer.
- Do i need like a external module to get a balanced stereo out to a soundcard or can i go directly out from say the Quad-vca or monsoon out?
- Is there something obvious i missed or havent thought about? Like IM Said IM totally new to this!