Thanks Garfield,
The new module on left is a Mutable Instruments Shades support module that works like either an attenuator or attenuverter and can do mixing as well. I found that percussion modules like BIA really need an attenuator/attenuverter. The other new module in the setup is the Noise Engineering Desmodus Versio an amazing reverb module with lots of options as well. It really spices up drum patches quite a bit. Today was a very fun day- I met up with another local Eurorack modular synth enthusiast and we jammed together. I had the chance to try out the Intellijel Planar 2 and Rossum Control Forge- both superb modules. I do have a Befaco Joystick and other stuff on order :-) hehe.
Yeah my Doepfer monster base case and MDLR 14u weight a lot. So for local jams, I use the 6u suitcase for ease of travel without breaking my back and also with a healing foot from past broken ankle, cannot put a lot of weight on it yet so all good. Have you found your dream sequencer yet? The Erica Synths Black Sequencer looks promising once they get the bugs worked out and have another major firmware update.
Happy Holidays!