Thread: Opinions on starting rack build
Here are a few suggestions:
- Zadar is a neat quad Envelope Generator that is loopable, giving you more flexibility than stages (and a greater number of envelopes)
- For mild distortion consider a Tallin Dual VCA and add a Geiger counter for more heavy duty
- For ambient, consider the Erbeverb. Pico DSP might not cut it. You could also consider an Erica Black Hole DSP/DSP2
- Consider smaller versions of the MI modules: quad VCA and Beehive are equivalent to Veils and Plaits
- You may want to add another filter, ideally an SVF, but the Polivoks has LPF and BP. Belgrad is a neat one, but larger
- You said sequencing isn’t a priority. Perhaps then ditch the Varigate 4 and the paltry 8 steps and consider a Voltage Block to control various parameters. You could also do that using Pam’s and a Lapsus Os.
- Consider an Intellijel 7U case