News from the Labs all of them

Joranalogue Audio Design Select 2
Did you know that Select 2 can handle audio as well as CV? In this Patch Tuesday video, we're using the input selector switch on S2 to 'morph' between two waveforms, creating an ever-shifting hybrid signal. Add filtering to taste! 
Joranalogue Audio Design Filter 8
Among the many features unique to Filter 8 is its hold input, which can be used to 'freeze' the filter core. It'll respond not just to gate signals, but to audio sources as well. In this Patch Tuesday video, we're using this to good effect! 
Joranalogue Audio Design Contour 1
It's our take on the classic subharmonics generator patch in today's Patch Tuesday video! A gated switch 'masks' the trigger signal during the rising stage, turning Contour 1 in a frequency divider. What's your favourite C1 patch idea? Let us know! 
Joranalogue Audio Design Fold 6
Today's Patch Tuesday is all about folding modulation! You know Fold 6 as a compact yet powerful audio wavefolder, but its dual-input DC-coupled signal path also makes it perfect for spicing up your LFOs. Give it a try!  
Joranalogue Audio Design Morph 4
Using a quad VCA as a waveshaper? Today's instalment of our Patch Tuesday video series features one of our favourite Morph 4 tricks: modulating the morph parameter at audio rates. Adjust the 12 (!) level, position and span controls to taste and you're in waveshaping heaven. 
Joranalogue Audio Design Filter 8
Introducing Patch Tuesday—a new video series highlighting some unusual Eurorack patches! Today we're got Filter 8 processing envelopes, rather than audio, for some surprising results. What special uses do you have for your F8? Let us know here: 
Joranalogue Audio Design Test 3
Test 3 is a purpose-designed tool for measuring voltages and currents in your Eurorack system, a handy addition to any synth DIY lab, now with a brand new video build guide thanks to SonicVoltage! 🛠 
Joranalogue Audio Design Compare 2
Creating pitch-related rhythms to add musical interest? It's a breeze with Compare 2! 
Joranalogue Audio Design Compare 2
What is a dual window comparator anyway? Joranalogue user Michael Manning shows how you can use Compare 2 to make your patches come alive. 
Joranalogue Audio Design Morph 4
What better way to spend your holidays than with a case full of Joranalogue? The Synth DiY Guy did just that! 
Joranalogue Audio Design Morph 4
Today is Morph 4 day! This fully-featured modulation hub for your Eurorack system is landing at dealers worldwide as we speak. Learn more: 
Joranalogue Audio Design Morph 4
Want to learn more about Morph 4? Check out the Color My Sound video review, just released! 
Joranalogue Audio Design Morph 4
Quad VCA, waveshaper, analogue logic, full/half wave rectifier, interpolating scanner/distributor, voltage controlled mixer...and much more! Morph 4 releases worldwide on 2020-12-08. Get those pre-orders ready, initial stock will be limited! 
Joranalogue Audio Design Morph 4
Oops! We just fixed an issue with the newsletter signup form on the website. If you tried to sign up in the last year or so, please try again now. Or even if you haven't before, it's the fastest way to get news from the lab straight in your inbox. 
Joranalogue Audio Design Fold 6
Fold 6 is here! Our latest Eurorack release combines both series and parallel flavours of wavefolding and adds voltage controlled overdrive on top, packing all your waveform mangling needs in just 4 HP. In stock at a dealer near you now. And as ever, the Baron of Beats Mr. Ben 'DivKid' Wilson is here to tell you everything about it: 
Joranalogue Audio Design Morph 4
New! Designed as a fully-featured modulation hub for Eurorack synthesisers, Morph 4 takes the basic concept of the multi-VCA module to the next level. Use Morph 4 as a voltage controlled mixer, dual crossfader, dual panner, interpolating scanner, interpolating distributor, quad VCA, quadraphonic controller, slope modifier, rectifier, complex waveshaper or something in between any of those—the choice is yours. 
Joranalogue Audio Design Select 2
New video! The Synth DiY Guy meets his new favourite utility module (with bonus ribbon controller action): 
Joranalogue Audio Design Generate 3
Learn to create phase modulation bells and brush up on your German at the same time, thanks to KidSilly and StudioSounds! 
Joranalogue Audio Design Generate 3
Here's something for all of you in lockdown, practising social distancing, or just playing with your modular synths in the dark as usual: check out the latest episode of the Podular Modcast, a podcast dedicated to modular synthesis, to hear more about the Joranalogue Audio Design story and philosophy: 
Joranalogue Audio Design Generate 3
The highly anticipated Divkid video is here: listen to a Yorkshireman talk about Generate 3 for an hour! (Seriously do, it's very good.) 
Joranalogue Audio Design Generate 3
"A very fancy name for a very fancy oscillator." The Synth DiY Guy is here to show you why you might want to add a through-zero multiphonic signal generator to your rack: 
Joranalogue Audio Design Generate 3
Join modular synthesist Nordlys for a 20-minute exploration of Generate 3's sonic capabilities. Sound only, no talking, no effects (except for a touch of reverb). 
Joranalogue Audio Design Generate 3
Today's listening material: a soothing piece of modular music by Nordlys, created using his Generate 3 prototype. 
Joranalogue Audio Design Contour 1
The Synth DiY Guy presents an expedition into the world of Contour 1: audio oscillations, portamento, envelope generation, waveshaping and more... 
Joranalogue Audio Design Generate 3
Using a VCO to create white noise? No problem with Generate 3 and some feedback patching! Watch the video here: