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ModularGrid is a database and planner for modular synthesizers

MOTM is also referred as 5U format. It shares the same height with the MU format but differs in width. MOTM is 1.75" wide per unit.

Show me the MOTM modules

There are 395 MOTM modules to choose from. Users build 1222 Racks in this universe.

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Bloodcells - A modular ode to survival This composition is a special one for me. It's actually an … by in You
format converters That Mazzatron module doesn't need any power and you won't … by in Modular Discussions
Forge TME Vhikk X Hey Chris, Greetings! You're very welcome! I'm having a … by in Modules
Whale Song How do you get the visuals? Video synthesis, I assume? Or… by in You Cockpit X 1U I have this module as well as golden master in 1u format an… by in Modules
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News from the Labs

Joranalogue Audio Design Collide 4
The video recording of our in-store Collide 4 event at Signal Sounds HQ is now on YouTube! Learn the ins and outs of our Hainbach collab, with patching tips abound: 
Der Mann mit der Maschine
Der Mann mit der Maschine X Mario Schönhofer | Inbetriebnahme EP | OUT NOW! Bandcamp: Spotify: Trailer:  
Weston Precision Audio
HV1 Tile added! Units for sale reaaaaaaly soon! 
24 Mar 2025 Clatters
🌼 Spring sales are on on our website! Get some sonic goodness at sweet prices: 
Tre Modular
23 Mar 2025 Tre Modular
For all of you misfits, rebels and troublemakers we have made EuroRock bundle. So you can show the world how Rock is made on synth. More info  
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Top Modules rated by users

  1. Oakley Oakley VCO Ø 5.00 (4)
  2. Synthesis Technology MOTM 440 LPF Ø 5.00 (4)
  3. Synthesis Technology MOTM 300 Ultra Voltage-Controlled Oscillator Ø 5.00 (4)
  4. Oakley Looping ADSR/VCA Ø 5.00 (2)
  5. YuSynth VCO Ø 5.00 (2)
  6. Synthesis Technology MOTM 320 LFO Ø 5.00 (2)
  7. Oakley MultiMix 5 Ø 5.00 (2)
  8. Oakley Deep Equinoxe Ø 5.00 (2)
  9. Synthesis Technology MOTM 380 Quad LFO Ø 5.00 (2)
  10. Oakley Slim VCO B Ø 5.00 (2)
  11. Modcan Dual Quantizer 55B Ø 5.00 (2)
  12. Modcan VCDO 58B Ø 5.00 (2)
  13. CGS CGS-65 Tube VCA Ø 5.00 (2)
  14. STG Soundlabs Post-Lawsuit Lowpass Filter Ø 5.00 (2)
  15. Synthesis Technology MOTM 900 Power Supply Ø 5.00 (2)
  16. Modcan Matrix Filter 68B Ø 5.00 (2)
  17. Oakley SVF Ø 5.00 (2)
  18. Encore Electronics Freqency Shifter Ø 5.00 (2)
  19. Blacet TimeMachine Ø 5.00 (2)
  20. Synthesis Technology MOTM 410 Triple Resonant Filter with Dual VCLFO Ø 4.75 (4)
  21. Encore Electronics UEG Ø 4.67 (3)
  22. Synthesis Technology MOTM 800 ADSR Envelope Generator Ø 4.67 (3)
  23. Oakley Journeyman VCF Ø 4.67 (3)
  24. Oakley MidiDAC Ø 4.60 (5)
  25. MFOS 16 Step Rotary Sequencer Ø 4.50 (4)

Modules have to be rated at least 2 times to appear in this list. Any module with a rating better than Ø 4.35 is considered to be above average.

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Port Oakley System (Left Case) (copied from sp198) zaragolaup

Port Oakley System (Left Case) (copied from sp198)