Power Consumption: 150 mA +15V
| 140 mA -15V | 0 mA 5V
Depth: 0 mm |
Price: $5,103 |
Number of Modules: 29
| Data Sheet
Achtung This Rack contains modules with incomplete power consumption specs: MFOS 16-Step Analogue Sequencer, MFOS Voltage Quantizer, MFOS Sample & Hold + VC Clock, MFOS ADSR, MFOS VCLFO, MFOS Noise Generator (Cornucopia), MFOS Dual AR, MFOS Multi Function Mixer Module, MFOS Delayed Modulation, MFOS Stereo Panning Mixer, MFOS Dual VCA, MFOS VCF 24dB, MFOS VCF State Variable, MFOS Stereo Auto Panner, MFOS Wave Freaker, MFOS Ring Modulator, MFOS 8-Stage Phase Shifter