I like varigate because I can create little sequences fast, and with the glide fonction I guess I can use it for cv modulation as well, am I wrong?
Don’t find some hikari triple AD in europe, what do you think about xaoc zadar? It has a screen, that’s downside but it is a quad env generator for only 10hp.. Same as Lugia, I don’t really want micro modules, I don’t like littles knobs at all, so I have to make compromise.
that’s where I am, is it better?

I followed Lugia’s advice for the quad vca, and I would like to incorpore 0_c as Ronin suggested (or triple sloths? Never heard of it). And then I’ll consider ditching the varigate to get a pamela’s if I can get more out of it (or am I wrong and should I get pam’s first instead of o_c?)

Thank you very much for your help