Hi Lugia,

With most of your points I agree. It really looks like Behringer comes with products where either licences are no problem any longer or they are very cheap, hence perhaps the Solina SE-II (instead of SE-IV)?

As long as it comes down to "normal business" (yeah I know that's a big term saying anything or nothing) with acceptable products like the Neutron and hopefully the Pro-1, then that's fine with me. If due to the sake of taking/using technology that either has no longer patents issues or licence matters... I feel it's difficult to decide if I don't like it or if it's a matter of just the x-th version of such (older) product. So beside the matter if it's doing correctly business or not, to me if it's "just the x-th version" of something it becomes rather boring or at it's best yet another copy of something.

So my advice to Behringer is to come more with their real own stuff and not yet another copy of yet another retro product.

So how's your opinion about Behringer's Eurorack plans? I guess not too good either? ;-)

Anyway, I guess time will teach us if Behringer's approach (from a commercial point of view) is a good one, somehow I am afraid it is...

Kind regards,


For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads