Do leave the Moogs out of the cab. Not only do you get more space, you get space for things which don't already come with a case and P/S. In this configuration, you're paying to house those Moogs twice. Don't do this, as it wastes necessary space AND winds up costing you even more to do this than it would to keep them where they are already.

Now, as for the Pitt should possibly look for the Lifeforms Touch Controller that it should be mated with. I know Noisebug has this in stock at present...but it's also worth noting that finding new Pittsburgh stuff via the usual sources is showing up a LOT of "out of stock" and "discontinued" flags. That doesn't bode well. Plus, you'll still wind up missing the auxiliary module that's part of the VRL setup. Talking with Pittsburgh Modular might be of help here; perhaps you can get the controller, auxiliary module AND the VRL cab from them directly, as that setup really is something of a "thing unto itself" and needs to be treated like a single instrument.