Ah, Just was reading about that mscale. If I don't really care that much about accurate tuning or am fine tuning by ear, how important is it? One of the reasons I went with the voltage lab was the amount of randomness strewn about the module.
Re cases, I have a really small space and something I can move or stack stuff on would be best. My studio is like a weird little cave at this point, and it's pretty much dominated by drums! I've been looking at some of the little cases like Intelijel, Mantis, or Nifty just to have something to run the voltage lab in for a while. I want to spend a lot of time digging into it as I did with the SubH and Dfam.
Not sure what other things I even want at this point to tie it together. Maybe a weird little sequencer. And a mini 3 or 4 ch mixer with an effects loop or two, for my organelle and raspi effects.
Thx for your help!