Hello, reasonably new user here. I’m in the process of building up a rack (see below)


which consists of the modules seen in the screenshot (except the Doepfer dual qnt which I hope to get soon and cheap) plus a Moog Subharmonicon, Field kit Fx as well as an MS20 mini which I use as an external filter/mod source. The rack pictured is in reality a cre8audio nifty case + a Doepfer LC9 84 hp. That’s 3-6U more than I initially planned for, but as you can see, I consider using the extra hp/u to rack
Mount the three Folktek Mescaline modules. I wonder if anyone has tried this and which pros there may be with this way of setting up the Channel, Motion and Mental?
There’s a big con of course: the amount of hp used. Mental is a true space devouring monster that way. But I figure the ergonomics would be better with the Medcaline trio integrated. I’ve used them for about a year and find the original setup beautiful but a bit impractical – more so when using the Mescaline in sync with other modular/banana stuff.
Any Mescaline user there who’s willing to chime in on this matter?