
I've reverted back to my original, original package based on an Intellijel 7U Performance case. Having more than one box defeats the purpose of this build, so the x2-Doepfer-cases (or similar) idea in not an option. It has to be small so as to be mobile.

The functionality of my Doepfer (ModularGrid Rack) system is mostly retained... mostly.

There are some compromises.

I reinstated my original, original first choice for a stereo filter - the MCFx2. It's all anal-log, is reasonably priced, is fairly compact, has built-in attenuverters and can be driven. The Rample does have filters so I figured I could live without the Ikarie for now.

The Monosynth idea is mostly still intact albeit without the Twin Wave II. I replaced it with a very basic noise module. This is a shame. I could I suppose, switch the MCFx2 for the Ikarie and loose the noise module, which would free up space for the Twin Wave.

I've gone for the Cockpit so as to give me volume control over the sub mixers within the system and a headphone socket. However, as with my Doepfer system (see link above), if I swapped the Cockpit for x3 Mosaic output modules, I could defer summing to a line level mixer or audio interface. This would save a little cash, give me more outputs and generally be more useful for my particular purposes.

This system is far more compact than the Deopfer one. The Intellijel case also has more than enough power - unlike the Doepfer - very baaaaad Deopfer. :-P

Speaking of anal-log - I'm going to the loo.

K byeeeeeee