Consider an Expert Sleepers interface so you can have all of VCV inside your rack while you build it up. This is the only no-brainer I see here when you have some modules you already really like in there since it opens up space and saves tons of money on the unsexy stuff like simple VCAs and EGs. The ES mod will also let you avoid "auto-including" wild shit like DATA that's overkill for most people. 4ms MetaModule is coming too, I'd imagine a VCV fiend would love that one!

Your rack is full of mostly digital modules despite coming from VCV rack. Not a problem, but you may want to pick some analog alternatives for those strengths that they provide over digital since you have a wealth of them at your fingertips already. Just depends on how you're patching your voices if this is valid or not.

FX in euro sure as hell doesn't save any money, it's actually stupid the premium spent compared to dedicated FX boxes and pedals. This is a spot where the ES mod could pull major weight. You can also use simple 2-4HP attenuators/level changers/pedal interfaces like that 1u line level module to get into some outboard or pedals. Something like the MFX doesn't make sense to me in euro format without the Axon expander to give it CV inputs, budgeting space for that if you go with it is worth a thought.

Ditch the 1u mult and throw a Guillotine in there. Buffered mults aren't really needed on a case this size especially when your chosen mixer has multiple aux sends. You should check out Ritual Electronics and Bastl btw.

With an electronics tic consider a soldering iron and DIY manufacturers. Saves a good bit and they actually sell decently well secondhand if you end up not liking something you build. Huge difficulty range from soldering everything including SMD parts, to simple through-hole only, to just getting the jacks and pots attached, so you can actually learn this skill while building modules from day 1.

10HP seems like a lot to sacrifice for an ADSR in a rack this size, maybe check out Malekko's Quad Env. With 208hp to work with, this is where swapping the 26HP of Function Junction + Black EG for something like a Doepfer A-143-2 Quad ADSR in the same 26HP or a TTA/Buchla 281t in 28HP may be both a more powerful and attractive option. Sort of the same situation for the filters, you've got 20HP of these (not counting Ghost) which I wouldn't expect alongside multiple dedicated voice modules. What are we doing with these, pinging them for kicks and stuff or deharshing those digital voices? You may prefer a dedicated drum module for pinging, imo the ALM drums are the yin to NE's yang and they're pretty BIA-like in use, look up Tyso-Daiko.

I would personally never pick up Pam's with sequencing as the main intent. She's more of a heroine for syncing modulation and clocks though I dig her euclid options, but you picked up Euclidean Circles so she'd be redundant in that duty. Amazing mod but definitely not an "every rack" module, she's just like Maths actually: do not feel obligated despite the deserved fanfare. I still think she'd be good here since you need the modulation pretty bad.

Don't hesitate to grab some cheapie Behringer mods (used? they're frequently on sale too). I haven't regretted any of the System 55 or ARP 2500 series I grabbed early on and they're all still racked. Their clones of mainstays like Maths could give you an idea if the "real ones" are for you too.

IDK kinda all over the place feedback, if your plan is to recreate your VCV setup on a tabletop then you know what to do, but if not I'd grab the relevant Expert Sleepers interface and build it up slow with the simplest pieces first. Definitely hold off on mods you're not even sure are a fit for the rack you're building like the mixer taking 1/10th of your space.