Harmonious Monk, Wahcko+, Retro Vibe V2, Ripply Fall and Ripply Fall Bass are among Jam Pedals most popular products.
Vocal vintage sounding wah pedal
Analog, Tap-Tempo Tape Delay pedal
Uni-Vibe clone
Gilmour inspired multi-effects unit
Phaser / Chorus
The Boomster will cleanly boost your signal and grant you massive tone !
Rat inspired distortion
Germanium Fuzz Face
Analog delay
LM308 based distortion
Sine Wave Tremolo
From Boost to Overdrive
Analogue Delay with Tap Tempo and XTREME trails modes
Modified Bass Big Muff Fuzz
Analog Delay Pedal
Chorus/Vibrato/Phaser Bass Version
Two-speed tremolo
Harmonic / amplitude tremolo
Rat-Inspired Distortion
Double the tones, double the functions!
Rat Style Distortion
Tubescreamer with less mids, less compression and more low end
Analog Delay
Effect Pedal for Electric Guitar