wogglebug has wilder random as turing maschine, if this is your taste. + special feautures like audio mangling etc - its more beasty stuff

Turing maschine is more straight forward, but lovely and nice with expanders - the Pulses expander does nice gates
especialy with Benjolin V2 from After Later Audio
- you can chain it with all expanders
(I love this combo)

Benjolin V2 alone is also nice for random + it has a nice filter
+ BV2 is a nice crazy sound design tool


I would suggest to only get a few utilities for the start and just build stuff around your moogs.

Not a 3000 Dollar investment

As you say you are more in ambient music:

for random:

Marbles could maybe suit you better instead of a turing maschine.
or clank chaos

Clank chaos has also a sequencer mode and many scales for quantization
Marbles is more accessable with just twisting knobs

check them out

Dont forget Pamelas New Pro Workout can do most of the stuff, like lfos, sequencing, random, logic, etc

combined with things like maths, lapsus os, 3xMia, Miso or 4ms mingler - Pams can archieve a lot you would search in other modules


Ochd + Ochd expander is good for ambient - applying slow modulations
or NLC Triple Sloths


If you want fo go west coast - Do you need more filters?


check bastl Aikido for audio processing. Feedback-patching, Sidechain, compression, spectral follower.

Intelijell quad vca for cv processing - also great audio quality

Attenuverter, Offsett, Scale:

4ms shifting mingler
Noise Engineering Lapsus Os
Tiptop Miso


Maybe a Steady Fate Gate?
Low pass gate, saturation + wavefolder
sounds amaizing

bastl modules are interesting because they are mostly designed for wild feedback stuff.

like bastl timber, waver or dark matter

I guess, if I had the moogs, I would just make a little pod with a few picks of these:

  1. Priority:
    any matrix mixer
    triple sloths
    mini marbles clone or clank chaos
    mingler or lapsus os

  2. later additional:
    SSF Gate
    benjolin V2
    bastl aikido
    intellijell quad vca

everything small whats missing, like; switches, mults, divider, dedicated logic modules .....

