Trying to build a "smart system" with 50/50 preset/hands-on control:
Nerdseq + expanders (with upcoming CV expander) controling soundsources:
Assimil8or (Drums)
- Chimera (Percussion)
- BIA (Bass)
- Scanned (Drones)
- A-111-4 (Melody, arps)
Polyend Preset controling:
- 3x CV channels Assimil8or: with one CV channel controlling 8 banks of 8 drum samples = 64 drum samples.
- 1x WMD sequential Switch matrix Controlling: BIA, A-111-4/1-3, A-111-4/4 & Scanned in
Sending in matrix to: Clean channel, Erbe Verb, Chronoblob, Warps
- 2x Filters Cut-off freq
- 1x Chimera Decay
- 1x Warps algorithm
Mixing 16 channels in 4x Intellijel Quadratts:
- Stereo left > into panned left mixer (Left out: A8, Erbe Verb, Chronoblob, out-Warps)
- Stereo right > into pannend right mixer (Right out: A8, Erbe Verb, Chronoblob, aux-Warps)
- 2x mono
End mix with VCA sidechaining kickdrum & 2HP Verb.
Hands on control:
- Varigate 4+
- Voltage Block
- Batumi LFO's
- 4 Robots & Streams Enveloppes
- Event boss
- Switched Mult
- And all the knobs...