Do you mind sharing what you had connected to the various CV outputs for the sequencers and drum gates?
-- jb61264

Sure! Here are the elements I find most interesting.

The BeatStep Pro (BSP) drum sequencer is controlling a Boss DR-670 for those awesome 90's drums via the MIDI out. I use the roller pad to manipulate the IDM-ish drum patterns on the fly.

The Mother 32 provides the primary underlying melody for all sections. It runs through an Milky Way for reverb saturation and is given that classic delay during the Berlin School style mid-section by an Erica Synth Pico DSP.

I had the idea of running the Joranalogue Filter 8 at audio rate for a really nice sub bass. The notes of this bass are drawn from the M32 KB out, and the rhythm is achieved by taking the gate from the M3 and running it through a Stoicheia euclidean rhythm module by Rebel Technology. This gives the gate for the envelope of the bass via one side of the Doepfer dual ADSR. I really like this effect because the bass and the melody are in sync and key, but the notes are not too often repeated on the same beat giving variation.

The SEQ 1 of the BSP sequences the Circuit Bent VCO, which provides the overlying melodies of the first and last sections. This VCO has a built-in filter, but I also run it through a Doepfer Wasp for that amazing color, which is best demonstrated in my view at the 25:05 mark. This then runs through the Mimeophon for stereo pread into right and left VCA mixers (a WMD Triple Bipolar VCA and a AI Synthesis Quad VCA). Note that when I use the roller pad to manipulate the drum pattern, it also glitches Seq 1. The second side of the ADSR envelopes the SEQ 1 melody on the BSP, which allows me to make the notes of the melody stay nice and tight or to stretch the notes out allowing the WASP to really shine. This is also best demonstrated after the 25:05 mark.

The SEQ 2 of the BSP provides accent notes with Rings, which of course goes into Clouds for reverb/delay and granular looping. The looping capture is triggered by the right side pattern of the Stoicheia which is clocked by the Kick cv out on the BSP.

Hope this gives some insight!