Final question is how are you taking this out to your speakers/computer? Do you already have an outboard mixer that can take eurorack levels? Otherwise I'd recommend an output/euro-to-line module, or those Mixup knobs are going to be pretty much at minimum all the time.

This is a good, small output / euro-to-line module:

That said, odd-numbered hp items (Ciao! is 5 hp) require another odd-number as racks are even-numbered,
or at least a useless 1 blank. I agree with above you need an lfo, and the Pico line has 3hp lfos that would
make an even number (8).

One annoyance on using ModularGrid is that, while things look great "on paper," so to speak, you'll find
that power cables come out of modules in different ways, such that some cannot be placed side-to-side
or on the far edge, as the cable won't fit or will clash with the body of the module beside it. It would be
helpful (but a programming nightmare) to have the reverse side of modules shown, indicating where
the cables are.