Braids is supplanted by Plaits now, so toss that and go with the V2 that it is. Also Clouds...but in that case, Mutable's not issued a revised version (yet?). So right off the bat, you have to rejigger the spacings...ha!

Anyway, yes, the modulation sources are kinda lacking here. I would suggest looking at something that gives you multiple loopable AD envelopes, since those can do double-duty as LFOs as well. Don't worry much about the panel size, because that's kinda compromised as it is because of the above issue. Better still, consider these as something to clear space for, and given there's some redundancies already, you might be better off with that. Check, of course, the ever-popular (and for good reason!) MATHS, but also Erogenous Tones' RADAR/BLIP combo...putting those two in gives you massive modulation power and also likely save some money because you could dispense with a lot of single-function modules (and their costs) in the process.

The last thing here that bugs me a bit is actually the sequencer. While Doepfer's A-154/155 combo is a workhorse, there's better alternatives that've come along since that was introduced many years ago. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if Dieter was considering an update to it at some point, like he's done for some other modules in recent years. One that recently got put out that, frankly, I would (and have) look at is this new device from Golt!...the 'Red Light District'. The timing capabilities are much more extensive, as well as the pattern activity, amount of steps, etc etc etc. It also has internal CV quantizing, plus MIDI sync and can also output DIN sync for locking up classic Roland/Korg gear. Or perhaps go outboard altogether with several standalone options that're out right now that can do both MIDI and CV.

So now that I've totally rEKT! your might also think about how to increase the functional density of the overall setup. Devices like MATHS and Erogenous Tones' stuff allows for that, jamming maximum function into modules that, while they seem spendy, actually leave you coming out ahead on function vs price. Losing things like single-function VCA modules, for example; let's say you yanked the two single-function Doepfer VCAs, for example. That would leave you only 2 hp short on the space needed for an Erogenous Tones VC8...which is EIGHT linear VCAs, plus mixing functions, in that space + 2 more hp. That's one example, and there's likely to be bunches more if you take a look.