Top Modules rated by users

Modules have to be rated at least 2 times to appear in this list. Any module with a rating better than Ø 4.35 is considered to be above average.

Popular Modules in racks

  1. Wonkystuff mcc/4 in 13 Racks
  2. Wonkystuff mb/1 in 12 Racks
  3. Wonkystuff mtr/8 in 6 Racks
  4. Other/unknown LFO++ in 5 Racks
  5. Other/unknown Coils in 4 Racks
  6. Tangible Waves uWNDCOMP in 3 Racks
  7. Wonkystuff mdiv in 3 Racks
  8. Wonkystuff mco/1 in 3 Racks

The list of Popular Modules is generated from Modules that have been added to Racks AND have been released in the specified time period.

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