Top Modules rated by users

  1. Studio H 258e / DPO Ø 5.00 (6)
  2. Vedic Scapes 13700 Ø 5.00 (5)
  3. Keen Association 282e Quad Transevent Generator Ø 5.00 (5)
  4. Buchla Model 296 Ø 5.00 (5)
  5. Buchla Model 259 Ø 5.00 (4)
  6. Keen Association Polyphonic Touch'n'Run Voltage Array Model 220/e Ø 5.00 (4)
  7. Buchla Model 250e Ø 5.00 (4)
  8. Buchla Model 266 Ø 5.00 (3)
  9. Keen Association Control Voltage Interpreter Model 253e Ø 5.00 (3)
  10. Magnetic Freak GAUSSIAN Ø 5.00 (3)
  11. Other/unknown Benjolin Ø 5.00 (3)
  12. Vedic Scapes Dual Duality Processing Filter Ø 5.00 (2)
  13. Vedic Scapes Metatron Generator 618 II Ø 5.00 (2)
  14. Other/unknown Soundfreak Dual Filter/Oscillator Ø 5.00 (2)
  15. Buchla Model 281 Ø 5.00 (2)
  16. Northern Light Modular Dual CV Polymorpher - Model 2OC Ø 5.00 (2)
  17. Sputnik Modular Sputnik Dual Defect Processor Model 289 Ø 5.00 (2)
  18. Keen Association Multidomain Gatekeeper Model 293e Ø 5.00 (2)
  19. Keen Association Spatial System Matrix Model 228e Ø 5.00 (2)
  20. Keen Association 268e Graphic Waveform Generator Ø 5.00 (2)
  21. Other/unknown Soundfreak Triple VCO Ø 5.00 (2)
  22. Buchla Model 206e Ø 5.00 (2)
  23. Studio H Control and Signal Router Ø 5.00 (2)
  24. Other/unknown Soundfreak Envelope Shaper/Noise Generator Ø 5.00 (2)
  25. Buchla Model 292e Ø 4.83 (6)
  26. Buchla Model 251e Ø 4.80 (5)
  27. Buchla Model 261e Ø 4.80 (5)
  28. Buchla Model 266e Ø 4.75 (4)
  29. EarDrill Pendulum Ratchet Ø 4.75 (4)
  30. Buchla Model 222e Ø 4.67 (3)
  31. Buchla Model 291e Ø 4.67 (3)
  32. Buchla Model 252e Ø 4.67 (3)
  33. Other/unknown TSNM Ø 4.67 (3)
  34. Buchla Model 208 Ø 4.67 (3)
  35. Buchla Model 292c Ø 4.60 (5)
  36. Buchla Model 256e Ø 4.50 (4)
  37. Buchla Model 259e Ø 4.50 (4)
  38. Buchla Model 230e Ø 4.50 (2)
  39. Cynthia ZOe Ø 4.50 (2)
  40. Northern Light Modular Time and Triggers - Model 2TT Ø 4.33 (3)
  41. Buchla LEM208 Ø 4.20 (5)
  42. Buchla Model 281e Ø 4.20 (5)
  43. Sputnik Modular 25S Ø 4.00 (2)
  44. Buchla Model 285 Ø 4.00 (2)
  45. Buchla Model 207 Ø 4.00 (2)
  46. Buchla Model 285e Ø 4.00 (2)
  47. Buchla Model 248 Ø 3.67 (3)
  48. Verbos & Associates 258v Ø 3.50 (2)
  49. Buchla LEM 218 Ø 3.50 (2)
  50. Buchla Model 230 Ø 3.50 (2)
  51. Verbos & Associates 258V rev1 Ø 3.00 (2)
  52. Keen Association 287e Jardin de Sons Concrets Ø 3.00 (2)
  53. Buchla 259 (Black Corporation Reissue) Ø 2.33 (3)
  54. Buchla 288 (Black Corporation Reissue) Ø 1.00 (2)
  55. Buchla 248 (Black Corporation Reissue) Ø 1.00 (2)
  56. Buchla 219 (Black Corporation Reissue) Ø 1.00 (2)
  57. Buchla 232 (Black Corporation Reissue) Ø 1.00 (2)
  58. Buchla 227 (Black Corporation Reissue) Ø 1.00 (2)
  59. Buchla 291 (Black Corporation Reissue) Ø 1.00 (2)
  60. Buchla 277 (Black Corporation Reissue) Ø 1.00 (2)
  61. Buchla 296 (Black Corporation Reissue) Ø 1.00 (2)
  62. Buchla 285 (Black Corporation Reissue) Ø 1.00 (2)

Modules have to be rated at least 2 times to appear in this list. Any module with a rating better than Ø 4.35 is considered to be above average.

Popular Modules in racks

  1. Buchla 259 (Black Corporation Reissue) in 125 Racks
  2. Buchla 248 (Black Corporation Reissue) in 93 Racks
  3. Buchla 291 (Black Corporation Reissue) in 78 Racks
  4. Buchla 296 (Black Corporation Reissue) in 74 Racks
  5. Buchla 285 (Black Corporation Reissue) in 68 Racks
  6. Buchla 288 (Black Corporation Reissue) in 54 Racks
  7. Buchla 277 (Black Corporation Reissue) in 37 Racks
  8. Buchla 219 (Black Corporation Reissue) in 34 Racks
  9. Buchla 227 (Black Corporation Reissue) in 34 Racks
  10. Other/unknown SoundFreak Dual Ring Modulator in 20 Racks
  11. Magnetic Freak Boolean Logic Latched in 15 Racks
  12. Buchla 232 (Black Corporation Reissue) in 14 Racks
  13. Verbos & Associates 258V rev1 in 13 Racks
  14. Keen Association 269e Graphic Waveform Generator in 13 Racks
  15. MEMS Project MEMS 292C in 13 Racks
  16. 4UShop DMWTRS in 7 Racks
  17. Northern Light Modular DogmaTrix’95 – Model hDM in 5 Racks
  18. Northern Light Modular Enveloping Genie – Model 2EG in 4 Racks
  19. Other/unknown BAAS in 4 Racks
  20. Northern Light Modular Touch Sensing Note Memory - cardTSNM in 3 Racks
  21. Other/unknown Mazovia Modular Dual Waveform Generator Model Tau in 1 Racks
  22. Other/unknown 291r in 1 Racks

The list of Popular Modules is generated from Modules that have been added to Racks AND have been released in the specified time period.

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