Hi everyone,
I’m looking for a bit of advice on my rack as it’s slowly filling up and I want to get some opinions before I buy anything else!
I sequence using an iPad, using the modular to create semi-generative textural / rhythmic loops before adding some bits and pieces in ableton.
I Haven’t yet got the 2VCA, nearness, NIN, ATN8 or the A133-2. Looking to pick up the nearness and 2VCA or the doepfer next. Also I have a typhoon instead of beads which I’m looking to swap (sadly at the expense of the typhoons stereo VCAs and gain knobs which I use for output gain control). There’s 10hp leftover in this layout and I’m open to suggestions on what that could be filled with - and also things I could potentially swap out to gain back some hp if needed!
Which leads me to the Voltage Block and ATN8...ATN8 seems like a good deal both hp and cost wise but I’m wondering whether to go for a stereo mixer/attenuator with a smaller footprint? After swapping typhoon for beads and losing its stereo output gain knob I have reservations about using 2 fiddly knobs on the ATN8 to control EOC output. But I do like the flexibility it offers and it would be nice to have some cv mixing capability. Plus it’s more future proof if I end up swapping out the lifeforms. The VB gets used in every patch - but I wonder if swapping it for a NE mimetic digitalis is a better choice for a case this size.
Also, I know I could put the lifeforms back in its box and save a bunch of hp, but it’s so much more convenient and portable having it in the case! Long term I may replace with a different osc/filter/env combo, but it’s staying for now.
Thanks in advance for your opinions!