Apologies if this is more an Ableton issue than modular, but grateful if someone can help

I'm new to the modular game, and trying to integrate my Eurorack into Ableton, using CV Tools. The issue I am having is CV Tools is unable to calibrate pitch, saying "Error. Insufficient voltage."

I have tried this using Plaits and Moog Mavis, patching them into an ES-8, which is then connected to my laptop via USB. I believe I have all the settings correct, and volume is loud enough (Ableton error message suggests checking that).

I actually got this to calibrate once. I don't know if I just got lucky but on applying the exact same settings, it didn't work the many other times I tried.

This may be one for Ableton support, whom I have also contacted. But reaching out on here in case someone has a possible solution.

Many thanks

Hi there, any news / updates / advices ? Got the same issue with a Knit with calibration through ES-9 and CV tools