To anyone hoping to use MIDI to control this module, be warned:
Yes - Dimension mk3 responds polyphonically to midi through its midi jack, but that's where the midi implimentation ends. MIDI CC assignment is not implemented meaning that, apart from the three assignable CV inputs on the front, there's no way to control this module's many parameters via physical knobs or sliders. What a spectacular missed opportunity!
I've attempted to contact the manufacturer to ask whether they plan to further develop Dimension's midi implementation in the future but have not had a response. So one has to assume the answer to that question is "probably not."
But for this glaring oversight, Dimension Mk3 is excellent. I sincerely hope Ziqal will address this shortcoming in a future firmware update. If they do, Dimension will truly be the best one-stop-shop solution for polyphonic voices in Eurorack.