ok. i stopped being lazy and did a deep dive on the qu-bit chord, and it turns out it basically does what i wanted from the start completely self contained. so, i have 4 voices in the brainstep and 4 osc modules, plus a hypothetical keystep pro, so i think this is all playable as is. i just got a little antsy replying to myself when no one else was. can anyone please give some feedback about using this rack as a performance instrument? thanks.

peace. ✌️

also, i cant seem to finally clear this up:

does anyone know, the fm ins on the demon core expander, i know they are 1v/oct, but do they represent frequency parameters, or intensity parameters? cant find that info.

i know there exist possible techniques to create arbitrary overtones with fm tech, but is that what those ins do, or are there 4 'set' fm presets that you change the intensity of?

kind of techy, but i wonder if anyone knows.

thanks for anyone reading. peace. ✌️✌️✌️

what i was thinking about:

lets say i want 1 fm voice, where you can alter harmonic overtones using some kind of root note and chord type selector, like where chord choice alters tamber more than just adding more voices, like, where you can have a cv sequence and select some kind of tone parameter that seems chord like, does anyone have any idea how to do that in eurorack? i already know how i would ho about trying to build this in pd, etcetera.


but just, maybe, if anyone is still reading this, just give some feedback on 1st post.


thx. ✌️

also, if the devs read all the posts...

"claude 3.5 sonnet" can give really helpful modular advice already, and free credits are available. maybe consider a new feature that leverages llms to give direct feedback?

i dont seem to be able to post into the 'modulargrid' section for some reason.

just think instant ai feedback where you could converse with your racks and patches right from inside the forum would be a really cool feature. replies feel slow, etc.

just an idea. peace out. ✌️

gah, im making a mess accidentally.

what are yalls thoughts on a "chord v3" that has a toggle for cv mode, and the linear fm in turns into a clock in for arp out of mix?

am i the only one that would find this useful?

also, do any of yall have any type of information at all about single osc fm voices that take in multiple cv notes? ive played around a lil with original fm paths in pd, but like, are there any single voices yall know where you feed in chorded note cv? thx...

so, i somewhat recreated the signal path i thought the chord already provided. link:

ModularGrid Rack

any suggestions on how to recreate a similarly styled synth voice with less?

i wish this place was more active, but "claude 3.5 sonnet" does give instant feedback, just so yall know and you can ger a good number of free credits per day.

i wish someone would give some feedback.

peace out. ✌️


or, suggest any ways i have not thought of to use a chord generator to modulate just the harmonics of essentially a single voice. etc.

just looking for feedback. peace. ✌️

oops, i thought the chord output cv. not really paying full attention. that kind of messes with the whole design. hmm, anyone know of a module that will take in one cv and output 4 chorded cvs? does that exist?

i guess this kinda still works as is, but i wanted more cv options for other oscs.

found a flaw in my own design.

etc. ... peace. ... ... ...


oof. i was thinking about modulating the demon core fm with chorded cv, but i realize now, too, that those are fm amount ins, not fm frequency select ins. btw "claude 3.5 sonnet" is really good at working through this stuff if you copy paste the spec sheet. i just realized my whole ida is flawed. oh well.


feel free to comment on the general idea of a single rack case configuration that can be patched to fulfill on a variety of final sonic territory without needing to swap modules.

like, almost a personal daw replacement etc.

but yeah 'claude' spotted a problem i missed.

maybe i should delete. idk. peace out. ✌️

hey, im not on here all day, and i only use this website for fun (i like designing things) but i got some negative feedback on my '4 case everything system' i posted to this forum, so, i am back with a 2 row 100hp system, that again, i am thinking of as a total production solution. feedback, please. imagine i have a keystep pro, too. link:

ModularGrid Rack

just pointing out that if you got a plasma voice by gamechanger you would have another 12hp to work with. ... ...

never used it myself, but it looks nifty and i think it might even compliment the moog well, if you think its sound suits your purpose.

i just like playing around on this site. i am not an expert. you know you can search on here by exact size, right? in case just the perfect thing is there to be found that im too lazy to search myself.

peace out.

those modules look interesting to me, but i havent looked into any of them, yet, personally, myself. i like that it looks like youre driving everything from a pam. i cant speak to how well i think it would work for performance. what would the whole performance setup be? just that? yeah, and i agree i dont see a lot of audio shaping or effects. why does everyone seem to want to include an ochd? what does it even do? super noobie, here, etc. etc.


I dunno man. I think u could do with some more sequencers man.
If u want ALL the polyphony on all the voices/tracks
I mean .... something has to keep them in check .... right?
-- Chrissozz

im thinking ill have an es9, and a keystep, so its not like there arent options, plus the zazou outputs 4 notes, and the drum sequencer coukd use some extra tracks to trigger the one note sequencers and arpeggistor, but maybe you have a point.

i just found out about the 'brainstep', but its not on modular grid yet. maybe soon i will design a smaller 2 3u x 84hp case that uses that gear.


i just like how datach'i s case works on system and how its one instrument, and also, the physicality.

-- singular_sound

How would you say it works?

-- Zacksname

its like, he has a simple beat, and then there is a more complex beat on top that sounds kind of squelchy and strangely alive in an electronic way, with what sounds like 20 knobs being turned at once and then usually a simple melody, too, but the extra percussive texture i just have no idea how its being generated or sequenced. id love to know how those those sounds are designed and made.

peace out.

i just like how datach'i s case works on system and how its one instrument, and also, the physicality.

i want to pretend to own a whole eurorack studio, so i design it on here. is that so wrong?

what if my designs have great synergy, and you just dont see it yourself.

i think you were talking about empty daw syndrome, well, this would give me a smaller than daw palette, which you hinted was an advantage, and make me get more creative per module per patch

plus id have an expander for vcv rack, too. this is my dream maximalist setup. im designing it for fun. why do you hate that i have one?

peace. out.

hey zachsname: what if 'momentum dies while menu diving on a pam pro to sequence some random bs' is a super aesthetic sound that no one has ever tried before, huh?

p e a c e . . . .

um, ive played around in fruity loops and reason, i can program midi, and i kept a ukulele around for years. does that count?




zachsname: my account is called 'singular_sound'. im trying to make stuff that plays and sounds different from anyone else. with everything i mentioned, there are lots of options. and dont you like how i used the plume s as lfos? cant you appreciate i am trying to create aesthetic designs? so what i cant afford it. i can pretend on here.

peace. out.

just to be clear, i would like an es9 maxed out macbook pro, nuendo, motu, genelecs, max msp, odds and ends and an arturia keystep pro for the full 'ttest ssystem x-4'. i swear, it all works together. stop looking at me that way. gooble gobble. gooble gobble.


would it make you two happier if i replaced the pam pro with two tempi s ? is that it ? because it only takes me like 20min to make updates...

zachsname: i already bought the first bit. a po-33 k.o. . its in the box since holidays. i have been uninspired. coming in here and designing fantasy systems was designed to unstick me.

results always vary.


zachsname: i dont think you understand how i am trying to use the pam pro, op ned, and 1cv step sequencer, either. its kind of hard to explain, but im pretty sure it would work. like 4 out of step clocks on 2 root note sequences, and 2 arpeggiated voices on that root, all being timed differently. does nobody even know how to use a pam? im leas to believe it can do a lot of things, or maybe i really do need to go out and invent a 'wacky clock multiplier'. ...

peace out.

zachsname: i dont see the big harm in wanting an experimental maximal full studio equivalent dawless eurorack setup i think i can make work in ways you dont see, just to play with it. can i just not want a new toy if its too expensive? cant i just pretend on here as a 'fun joke'? i would bet 7 doll hairs that if i had those first four cases i posted, i could make 9 datach'i level albums. do ypu just not like me aiming that high, or do you have god like omnicient powers into my own creative process? i think the idea of 'ttest ssystem' is fun. i say there should be a new forum: 'fantasy cases'. here here.

peace. out.

pammelas pro work out plus op ned plus 1 sequenced cv is a concept im trying to explore, like, maybe you could even get pam to do random quantized gate triggers between 1-128 clocks average frequency gaps, just by menu diving, and then it wouldnt be unplayable, it would randomly play itself. i think im talking sense.


jimhowell1970: i like to have the most performant part on the bottom left, and either all sequencing on bottom row, or one multi-voice per row, and i like the final mix to come out of the top right, when possible. its just whats most aesthetic to me. ... ... ...

in this rig, the pammelas pro workout is essentially sequencing everything through a minimal arpeggiator and step sequencer, with random trigger outputs, as well. im 90% sure the pam can do all that. im not an expert, but this is designed to be 100% pam driven, like you could create a 2 part harmony using a 'clock multiplier' and the op ned and 'sequence thing', plus some random goodness im pretty sure the pam has. maybe im wrong, in which case, somebody invent me a 'wacky clock divider', lol.


jimhowell1970: so, a few things. im thinking of four equal generative or random sequenced triggered equal voices coming out of the pam pro into the zazou creating a basic tonal part, and that gets mixed at the bottom into a single zazou channel, then the pam also triggering 2 op ned clocks while the whole op ned is tuned by the step sequencer, with another step sequencer underneath, to maybe sequence the 2nd plasma voice maybe differently, both advanced by the pam, creating 2 more melodic points being mixed on the same rack, and then a filter just for those 2 voices. the drum rack i think explains itself, and i heard you can use the plumes as 2 lfos. the idea is that its driven by a pam pro working as a wacky clock divider and and op ned with a 1 cv step sequencer driving the melody forward, with 4 generative random-ish plonk-y melodic texture. maybe you might have to menu dive in the pam for 20min, first, but i dont think its unplayable. also, the drum sequencer would be the master clock, if that is possible. please do reply if this makes any sense. peace out.

jimhowell1970, you almost slipped by me there, with all the monologue i was doing. i nearly intended this setup as a joke about being maximal. i really do think i could squeeze 9 albums out of it, if i really tried. i just built a smaller, more modest 4 3u 84ph case. do you like it better? im really looking more for feedback about the general design principal more than practicality. like i said, this is a bit of a joke. i just wanted to make some pretty designs. do you like 'ssecond ssystem' better? much more managable, id say, but i still say i could manage with all 1600hp.

thanks for the comment. peace.

there, i stayed up all night, and designed a second completely self contained 12u 84hp system, just to make you happy, zachsname.

ModularGrid Rack

do you like it better? is it modular enough, now? too many oscillators, eh? eh? eh? eh?

just give me some honest feedback, on just the design.

(its more modest, now. better?)




also, zachsname, dont you like that it is 4 near perfect squares, and that i left no gaps anywhere? isnt that aesthetic? and i think you could really create some awesome and unique patches on it. i want you to critique it on quality of design, not say that its probably over my head or too complex. this is not a real system. its just a design i have in my head. please just critique the design. etc.

p e a c e .

just figured out how this forum works. a beter view of my 'ttest ssystem' here in the thread view:

ModularGrid Rack

ModularGrid Rack

ModularGrid Rack

ModularGrid Rack

id appreciate if the rest of the comments could focus more on 'what is enough, anyway', as in, let it be a 1600hp system.


oh well, i guess ill just go to sleep next week ... ... ...


last point before i seriously go to bed.

the gigging and touring issue:

if i 'canned' it 100% live,

recorded extra cv, too,

then did live visuals on a laptop,

even using the extra cv data,

then worked the crowd,

and an rmx-1000, too,

nobody would even care i didnt bring the whole thing.



it feels like i havent slept in like a week. im going to bed, now. hope to hear from you later, 'zachsname'.


also, there are a few jokes in there: 2 maths, 2 matrix ii s... i know i could use them, somehow, but its mostly really just kind of a meta joke about being maximal. i really wish you would accept the premise more before doling out your advice...


question, zachsname: if my setup is to maximal for you, then what do you think about datach'i s rig in this vid?

i want help making my 'ttest ssystem' as cohesive and well tuned as 'system'. i do not want to be told to make what i already did smaller.

the thread title should have already let you know i was trying to be as maximal as possible. i want advice on how it could all work better, not just to start from scratch again smaller. this is my dream system im trying to build. please, just accept its premise.

"peace out".

i personally like the aesthetic having a bottom most rack for 1 off triggers, sequencing, and other melodic units, then filling in the rest of your voice chains, and whatever else you may want, wherever it will fit into the rest of the case, so that you dont need a keystep or or midi controller or anything like that and can just play the case as is and do most of the performance on the bottom most rack. im no expert, but thats just the way to build a case that seems most aesthetic, to me. you can look at my fantasy 4 case 'ttest ssystem' where i tried to apply this as best i could, and yes, i did quasi intend for them to work somewhat seperately, too. im just getting into modular. i decided to build fantasy systems on here for fun.

i hope you come back, zachsname. i really would like to hear if you have any final thoughts.



btw, a couple things i wanted to add but couldnt find:

  1. an integer as opposed to exponential clock multiplier.

  2. 2x4 cv joystick internal matrix.

  3. granular vocoder with sampler.

  4. master out stereo multiband limiter / compressor for mastering.

if anyone knows where to find these, drop me a d.m.

just tell me: what do you like, what dont you like, what seems interesting, what do you think doesnt work. just dont tell me: start smaller, too complicated, youll never figure it out, more clock multipliers. etcetera.

zachsname: re, the tukra. i like it, because it just does the drums and does them well, and then i also have the two simpler modules in the first case plus a sampler. i dont want my drum patch to be 1,000 modules. id condider doing things the more "datach'i" way, but to be perfectly honest i have zero idea how he produces his drum tones and triggers. whatever he does is way over my head, but if i could figure it out i could be convinced to do things more that way, if i could even make it all fit.

peace. out.

i guess the real title of this thread should have been: "i tried to design a 4 case 12u 100hp full studio system. do you think i accomplished on this well? all comments welcome, except 'that is way too maximal, brah'.".

peace peace peace peace.

a major inspiration was "datach'i - system". he made a whole album on 1 case. i wanted to try to make 9 albums on 4 cases. its a high concept design. i get it if its not your cup of tea, but id appreciate if we could focus on making it better or more functional, not: 'smaller and more ordinary'. nothing against you personally, zachsname, but like, you wouldnt tell slipknot: 'just get rid of one of your dudes. too maximal.'. im open to little tweaks or redesigns, but i will not compromise on the high concept. like i said, i designed this for fun.

peace. peace. peace. ☮

like i said, this is a test dream rig im thinking of like a full studio. please, any future comments judge it as this.

peace. (peace.)

also, also, lastly, zachsname,

i have the opposite problem.

i bought myself a po-33 last holiday,

and i have 'blank daw syndrome'

because there are not enough


i need all that stuff to 'unstuck' me.

peace out.

also, zachsname, id really appreciate it if you would listen to 'snarky puppy - outlier' and 'moondog - moondog' if you havent heard them already and possibly reconsider the aesthetic of my maximal modular approach, etc.

peace. ☮

i just want to know, zachsname:

is it really way too much,

or just enough for a 'singular_sound'?



... ... ... ...

also, zachsname, you mentioned 'complex modulation', thats why i put the two maths there. im not sure exactly what they do, but i have a hunch they could do some pretty interesting things to two lfo signals.

peace. out.

hey zachsname, i designed a 3u 84hp case like you asked me to, how about you design 4 tandem 12u 100ph cases, and then we can compare notes. should be really fun, i think, lol.

peace. out. "peace".

im sorry if i let this feel a little personal, zachsname, but what i really want to know is: would you enjoy patching and playing this rig, given that its intended to be maximal, or do you think its a bad design entirely and needs re-thinking, even if its intended for each performance to only use a subset? like, do you think there really is a cool 9 albums in there, or have i really left too many options off the table? like, think of it as a whole studio; is it workable, etc? just want to hear you critique it on its on terms, not on how the average case should be set up. like, the way the modules are set up, is it aesthetic? what specific might you do different? thats what i want to know. peace. out.

also, re: "building up one unit at a time", im pretty sure "junkie xl" just plopped down $100k all at once, and it worked out just fine for him. ... ... ... "p.e.a.c.e".

i re read your comment about layering vs modulating, zachsname, but what im really going for is multitude of melodic voices, many options for sequencing and arpeggiating, possibly with multiple melodic voices out of synch, an enormous bass line, lots of performance options, a canvas of vocal samples i can layer, and a record straight to disk workflow. do you think there are any modules that are not there that should be, or is it just too big. i basically want to never run out of a patch idea is the big concept. sorry if you dont like this. p e a c e . . . . . . . . . .

a lot of cases seem to be 'only about 1 patch only' systems, to me. do you not like that i am trying to make a '1,000+ patch system', or do you really think i could get everything i want for less, seeing what is already there? tell me, zachsname, whats exactly the matter with trying to give myself a full daw in eurorack? is it that it would cost too much, or am i really making that fundamental of an error. do tell me. peace...

im sorry if you think my system is to maximal, 'zachsname'. i like it, and, i think it really does make good use of modular sound modulation potential. i havent heard you take any issue with any module or how they might work together, only that i could do more with less, but, i am literally trying to d more with more. im sorry you dont like it. its just a concept. 'peace'.