One thing to be clear about is this: there is no way to build a Eurorack that’s cheap AND capable.

Often you hear that a semi modular is a good entry point, as it will come with the essentials included. Not a bad start, but it may come down to how you want to integrate your Eurorack.

If you plan on using the DFAM as a sequencer, that’s one thing. If you want to use the Digitakt, then you’ll need a MIDI to CV module. Audio is at a much higher level, so you probably would want to consider an audio output module (unless the DFAM can accept 10V audio).

Module math: a cheap module is more expensive in the end.
Case in point is your STO, which runs you $199. It’s a single OSC. Now compare it to the DPO, where for $599 you not only get two OSC, but also internal sync and FM, but a waveshaper/folder to boot, so you’ll have to compare that cost to a dual STO + uFold or Fold Processor, where you’re now at the same cost, but still not quite the same function.
It’s even more obvious if you look at a quad LFO vs “cheap” 2hp LFO solutions.
But it always comes down to subtle differences in function (STO has a sub, DPO doesn’t).
For analog VCOs, I would recommend to look for dual VCOs or those single VCOs that can easily be synced. Beyond that, you might find wavetable digital OSCs interesting. Plaits is nice, so are many of the Noise Engineering modules, such as the Ataraxic Iteritas or Loquelic Iteritas.

Maths was among the first two modules I ever bought. As a straight up envelope generator or LFO, it doesn’t really convince. I’ve honestly put it aside for now, as it requires time to dedicate to it to make proper use of it. At the outset, I would suggest to go with simpler, but high function density modules. I’m a big fan of the XAOC Batumi + Zadar combo, which gives you Four LFOs and Envelopes (the latter loopable on timescales up to almost a hour). In a small system that gives you a lot of modulation power.
Add a multi mode filter and some FX and voila:

ModularGrid Rack

You can choose not to buy.

Nice start, indeed. Effects are a good suggestion. You’ll have to decide whether you want to use them as a utility or part of sound design, which will dictate the extent of CV control you’ll want.
Suggest you look at Chronoblob 2, Magneto, 4ms Dual Looping Delay, ErbeVerb, Black Hole DSP2, as well as 2hp delay and reverb.

Now, especially for the Morphagene, a CV sequencer would come in hand. I really like the Malekko Voltage Block.
A multi mode filter is also a fairly basic need. Erica Black VCF 2 is nice, and so is the Morgasmatron.
For everything MI, always consider the micro versions (e.g. Beehive vs Plaits).
And: Intellijel 7U case with the Audio I/O is always a great choice. You do need audio I/O, eventually.

Some LFOs would be nice: XAOC Batumi
More conventional envelopes, perhaps: XAOS Zadar

The thing about a Marketplace is that sellers can set the price they want and buyers can either choose to buy or not. If the prices stay high, it means there is sufficient demand for goods at that price.

Thread: fill the gap

More sound sources:

Piston Honda MKIII
4ms STS
also really nice: Erica Sample Drum (not just for drums!)

I'd ditch that clunky A-143-3 and look into a XAOC Zadar + Batumi combo

You can also ditch the multiples as you can get in line splitters that'll work just fine. If you're sequencing externally, I also don't see a pressing need for a quantizer, especially since you're not using Random sources.

So, it could look something like this:

ModularGrid Rack

I need a bit of help today and hope that some Eurorack wiz may have a good idea:

I am having trouble synchronizing my sequencers. I am using a Doepfer A-190-4 as a MIDI to CV clock and transport control interface. Clock works just fine, but transport is an issue. The Doepfer has a Reset out that responds with high voltage (constantly) to MIDI stop. My sequencers, on the other hand respond to voltage high as a clock reset or stop, so in a way the Doepfer does precisely the opposite of what I need it to do. I am using Rene MKII, Mimetic Digitalis, Pamela’s New Workout, and a Trigger Riot to sequence. I suppose I could use a logic module to put clock out only when no voltage is sent from the reset (advantage here: sequencing stops), but are there any better solutions? I’d have to get a suitable logic module with a NOT algo, so I might also consider an alternative MIDI to CV that is more suited to my needs.

Suggestions? Is there a way to solve the problem with what I have (includes a Deluge as master MIDI controller, which can put out clock and gate, and a Mutant Brain).
I guess I could just use a Gate and a CV output in the Deluge to directly send clock and Reset. The tricky thing is, that sending a reset via gate on end or start of sequence would hardwire a set cycle, which eliminates some of the neat abilities of the Trigger Riot. In fact, the Trigger Riot is causing me the most issues.
So, how does one send a single gate out only once upon a MIDI start signal?

The Bernoulli gate and Trigger Riot both add probability. Also, there is Marbles around.

I’m actually somewhat on the fence about randomness. I do like probabilistic triggers, but not generative sequencing. It’s just not my thing.

I’ve started to become intrigued by the use of clock dividers, Bernoulli gates, Clocked/CV controlled attenuverters, Logic gates, LFOs, and switched multiples as an alternative to sequencers.

As in:
Trigger Riot, Klavis Mixwitch and Logica XT, ADDAC gates, Bizmuth, and Pamela’s New Workout, and Branches and two switched multiples all next to each other.

A few suggestions in addition to the excellent suggestions that Lugia made:

Switch to an Intellijel 7U case and put the noise, S&H, Quadratt, and audio I/O, perhaps MIDI module, if you need it.
Do you need all the functions of the metropolis or would a Varigate 8+ get you sorted?
You do need an envelope generator. Consider the XAOC Zadar or Malekko Quad Envelope.
Look at the micro version of certain modules, such as Beehive from Michigan Synth Works instead of Plaits.
The signal mingler looks interesting, but again quite a bit of HP. While not exactly the same, the Klavis Mixwitch does a good amount of the same, but you could add the Logica XT on top of it and get more out of it.
I know Lugia is not keen on FX modules, but I do like them. The question is always: how much control do you really need? Do you just want to add a little richness by adding a touch of delay and reverb, or do you intend to use it as an actual integral component of a patch where the FX changes in character? For the latter, you do need more control. For the former, consider the 2hp Delay and Reverb, or the Pico DSP. The Black Hole DSP2 is also nice and offers a bit more control and stereo. 2hp is hard to beat as a utility FX.
A nice mixer for your setup would be the XAOC Praga.

Thread: Any advise?

Here’s a suggested build:

ModularGrid Rack

It lacks the ability to sync OSCs, but gives you 3 voice paraphonic cspability.
With the Intellijel 7U case this is running around $6k

Thread: Any advise?

On a more constructive note:

Start with 3 micro Plaits. Malekko Varigate 8+ to sequence. Add a quad Envelope (Malekko or Zadar) and a quad VCA. Add a Batumi LFO with poti. Add the Black VCF, Three Sisters or QPAS, Black Hole DSP2, Erbeverb and a Fusion Mixer from Erica.
To add interest, I’d suggest: 2hp Arp, uOrnament&Crime, Turing machine and/or Marbles, ADDAC intuitive quantizer. There is also a Chordizer to make things easier.

Thread: Any advise?

I really like to have dedicated pitch, VCA, and VCF envelopes and at least one utility envelope, also, no less than two LFOs, also those envelopes had better be DAHDSR. I also require two filters: one 12/24 dB/Oct and an HPF. Per voice, that is.
That’s what my DSI Tempest does. Market rate: $1500 for a 6 voice polyphonic, dual VCO, two samples per voice synth with mod matrix, sequencer, and 16 Velo sensitive pads.

Thread: Any advise?

Paraphonic operation might be more tenable, but still quite pricey.


4ms STS
Voltage Block
Turing Machine
Intuitive Quantizer
Ornament & Crime
Quad VCA

There are some that would say that building a subtractive monophonic Synth using modular gear is almost missing the point. I don’t necessarily agree, but it raises the central and FIRST question you should ask: what is it that you want your modular to do? No one can tell you, that is for you to figure out and it very much determines what build you should explore.
I think that the extensive modulation options of pretty much every parameter in many modules offers unique sonic possibilities, even in a subtractive synth. In addition to the excellent points that Lugia made, consider that many well revered standard hardware synths use multiple envelopes and LFOs per voice: pitch, volume, filter at a minimum and that some of them are five or six stage (delay, attach, hold, decay, sustain, release). A four multi stage envelope module is ideal and XAOC Zadar reigns supreme here. LFOs also in fours (Batumi), so that you can get some tremolo and movement (pitch, volume, PHASE, PWM etc.).
That said, I personally would consider Zadar and Batumi a must for any monophonic subtractive build. Also, I’d second the SVF comment, albeit I would advise to also include one of the really interesting multi-mode filters, such as Three Sisters, QPAS, or Belgrade as they REALLY open up sound sculpting.
Lastly, Reverb and Delay are must have effects, followed by Chorus and Phaser. Classics for a reason. Also, here is where things get interesting, as you can do neato things with a sequencer and those parameters. At a minimum, add a decent multi FX (Black Hole DSP2) and Pamela’s New Workout. Sending a Euclidean sequenced saw to the reverb size can make for some interesting effects.

Now for the interesting and unique:
Sample based sound engines: 4ms Stereo Triggered Sampler and MN Morphagene. The former is better suited for pre-sliced samples (albeit you can experiment with start and length parameters) while the latter is just awesome for all sorts of sonic mayhem that involve dynamic playback speeds and slicing (including triggered) and cross fading. Both are excellent choices. Both can do granular synthesis, albeit the Morphagene with its dedicated CV control has a bit of an edge here.

Additive synthesis:
Audiospektri HG-16 is high on my want list for this purpose, albeit, I could see some of the FPGA based technology really take a hold here. XAOC Odessa should be interesting, but I’m really hoping for a true FFT based engine at some point (Fast Fourrier Transformation) with full control over the resulting harmonics. Any sound source can go in, like a sampler, but it is actually re-created using additive synthesis.

Wavetable synthesizer:
Preferably with custom wavetables to be loaded. The Piston Honda MKIII is a nice example of what can be done with this, particularly the CV controlled morphing. The more you like percussive noise, the more you need to look into this. Manis Iteritas and the other Wavetable Oscillators from Noise Engineering reign here.

FM synthesis:
Bring on the noise! Akemies Taiko and Castle. Harsh, metallic, mental. Love it, but I’m out of space.

Sequencers and clock:
The beating heart of your setup. Nothing comes close to Tempi+Rene MKII, albeit for percussion I’d suggest a Trigger Riot. These can be easily substituted for using a MIDI-to-CV module and whatever other sequencer you have. The Mutant Brain is a decent choice.

The unsung heroes:
It is ALL about generating and mangling CV. That became clear VERY fast to me. Hence, modules that attenuate, modulate, cross-modulate, and otherwise combine CV are the heart of what makes a modular unique. This has been my biggest epiphany since I ventured in head on. Half of your setup will easily be those types of modules and 2/3rd will generate and mangle CV without ever making a sound themselves.
Modules I love:
WMD Triple Bipolar - CV controlled attenuverter with three individual channels and a SUMMED out, also does fine work on audio signals
Noise Engineering Roti Polar - Four CV input attenuverting mixer (e.g. add two envelopes with opposing signs to get a bidirectional envelope to control the playback speed of a Morphagene)
4ms VCA Matrix - it’s big, yes, but it’s a CV modulated four channel CV mixer for all weird complex waveforms
Ornament & Crime - for the ASR alone
Branches - a dual Bernoulli gate: if you have two different timbral versions of a sound (two oscillators or two Signal paths) having a probabilized sequence of the two can be fun. Example: open and closed hi-hat in a percussive sequence
Marbles: still very much learning how to use it, but we all love happy accidents, don’t we?

For smaller systems, I find the Intellijel 7U case neat, as you can use the extra 1U tiles to take care of the I/O module and some other features, such as an Audio/CV mixer (Quadratt), a step sequencer (Steppy) and other neat utilities. Keep in mind: only Intellijel 1U tiles will work in that case.
The Erica EG/LG is neat, but you’ll get way more bang using a XAOC Zadar.

Devoting that much space for a mixer in a system this size seems like overkill. There are smaller solutions from the Erica lineup (Fusion mixer is nice, as it has a pleasant tube overdrive and six channels).
I would also suggest to have a more performance oriented sequencer, especially for live performances, same for your clock. Tempi is hard to beat with it’s UI and a Varigate is much better suited for per step changes. Manis Iteritas is great, but not well suited for per step on the fly changes, albeit loading from one of 16 banks can work. Rene is big, but really outstanding (MKI going for $350-380 now). The Trigger Riot could be a neat option as it’s a clock/gate/sequencer unit, well suited for performance in mind.

If it was me, I’d go 7U, Quadratt as mixer and I/O in tiles. Another tile for noise. Trigger riot, Zadar, Quad VCA, Tallin Dual VCA w/drive, Maths (if you must), Logic Module, and then fill ‘er up with sound sources, filter, wave folder etc

I’ve gotten nice package deals from Detroit Modular. Granted, if you buy a 7U Intellijel and fill it up, there’s some margin to give on.
Regarding Perfect Circuit being slow to ship... my stuff from EricaSynths was here more quickly. That’s from Latvia as opposed from California.

Yeah, maybe.

To be honest, I don’t think I need it. I’m not a fan of Toms and I just pulled the trigger on a Trigger Riot and two Switched Multiples. Hence, I don’t really need the sequencer. I might add the drum sample module at some point, but I feel I’ve got what I want.

I’m interested in the drone system, though.

Updated the layout across a dual 6U RackBrute, an Intellijel 7U, a 6U 84HP Erica case, and two Moog cases 104 and 60 HP this is it:

I think carpentry is two doors down.

The dual Doepfers kind of kill a lot of HP. Malekko has some interesting options that combine sequencing with envelopes or CV modulation. You can make room for them by switching to a 7U rack and using tiles for some of the functions (I/O, power, mixer). I added a steppy sequencer but you could also use two Quadratt tiles as sub mixers. Also, consider a dual FX in a more compact form, unless full parameter control is a critical component.
Ditching a few modules with non-essential or now redundant function allows you to add a BIA plus compressor, which is a Techno workhorse. Consider a Pico Polivoks VCF for a sub mix. Tallin combines a dual VCA with drive and a stereo mixer plus Pico A-Mix for FX sends round out a alternative version of “your” rack:

ModularGrid Rack

Yeah, I was hoping the Mordax Data could fit, but it’s 40 mm with plug.

I wish they had made those pods just a smidge deeper.

I have all but about half the Erica Drums and the 4ms, which are en route. I’ve stopped looking too closely at the sum cost Modulargrid tallies up.
I also need to stop thinking about what else to add. But contemplated how cool it would be to add a simple OSC and another MSCL just for some pumping sub bass with the kick as SC in.

So, right now I’m looking at this as the current “final” setup:

This also exhausts the physical space I have. So, there’s that.
I might just run the three sub-mixers separately into a Unit Audio Micro Unit ASM and then from there into a processing chain of ART TPS-II Tube pre-Amp and VLA-II Vactrol Compressor into an Analog Heat, which always does wonders to the sound. Multiple line out modules might be interesting as well for tracking.

It started with: oh, let’s just add a few unique FX modules... well, that escalated quickly.

Wouldn’t a mixer be useful? In the theme of it, the Pico A-mix? I suppose an all Pico box sorta looks cool, but they still run right around 1/2 the cost of a full size module. So, something like the Stereo mixer and the Dual FX would give you some options.

@Lugia I looked at the LDB series and, while that may sound misguided to some, I just can’t abide by those hideous designs. Personally, I find that the visual and haptic experience of interacting with a modular system is a significant component of the fun. Those modules look like they suck (even if they don’t).
I opted for Hexinverter Mutant Rimshot instead. Looks great, sounds even better.
I looked at Ladik and boy do they look ugly as well. Also, not quite the functionality I was hoping for. I guess, if I find I may need more envelopes, I might stick with another Malekko Quad and add a Mini Slew or go for something really orthogonal such as a 1010 Toolbox or a Falistri. I prefer variety in general.

Thanks, Lugia. Helpful as always!

Thread: Beginner

Stages is nice, but you get a maximum of two ADR envelopes. I just got a Zadar and it is a really neat one, albeit I’d still give a slight edge to the Malekko Heavy Industry Quad Envelope as there is no menu diving at all. There isn’t much in the Zadar either and the are rather similar in functionality, so both would be great.

Regarding the mutable instruments modules: many of them are available as micro versions that can save tremendously in HP.
Michigan Synth Works makes some nice ones, such as an 8HP version of Plaits, Forms. Antumbra makes beautiful DIY kits, such as Cara (a 10 HP version of Marbles). They are offered fully built on eBay. Mistergoop does some really fine work.
Here are a uO_C from Michigan Synth left and the Cara in action:

These micro versions are great space savers, albeit the ergonomics of some of them may not work well in a performance setting where you plan to constantly tweak such a module. Especially the use of trim pots can make them less well suited for that task. I don’t see it as much of an issue for Plaits or Forms.

Well, it so happens that I do have a vintage 606 around, but will check out the other modules. Always good to have more than one bass drum. Any rimshot/clave you can recommend?

The one thing I was pondering was the Envelope to VCA ratio, given that there ought to be some more envelopes to go around for pitch and filters. So, I think this could benefit from another quad envelope generator. Ideally one with DAHDSR six stage (could do with AHDSR and a slew, I suppose).

Regarding workflow, I totally get that. Hence, I swapped all screws for Befaco Knurlies for easy rearrangement. One of the key criteria was to have the 7U case to be self contained.
So far, I find the patching to work out fine, but I keep changing up things.

I know I could use a few auxiliary modules, buffered multiples and CV modulated attenuverters in particular. I often find myself in need of sending a single gate out to three destinations using Rene.

One question... how do y’all keep the modulations straight? Especially for the effects parameters. There’s so much mind numbing flexibility that I often can’t form a mental picture of the sound scape and it’s just a patch&tweak with trial and error.

Thread: Beginner

Definitely add sound generators. Morphagene and Plaits are great! You might want to think about a multi-mode filter and some envelope generators that are 4 or 5 stage. XAOC Zadar is neat, while Malekko Quad Envelope has sliders for hands on tweaking. You might want to add some reverb module in addition to Magneto. Also compare Magneto to Intellijel Rainmaker.

So, I am new-ish to Eurorack, starting to put together a neat and flexible system. I knew this was going to get pretty out of control quickly, and you’ll see what I mean by that here:

ModularGrid Rack

Hold your horses, as I do have a good grasp of hardware (I think), and I’ve already gotten some great advice here.

Items I am contemplating: ADDAC intuitive quantizer, Intellijel Rainmaker and Jellysquasher, Erica Synth Drone System, pure analog VCOs, such as Erica Synth Black VCO w/ expander, WMD Performance Mixer w/ mutes, T-Wrex Bitcrusher, WMD Geiger Counter.

The style of music I make is mostly Techno, industrial or Berghain style (reverb and delay drenched), with heavy loads of TB-303 and downright old school acid (I’m set on 303’s though).

The one item I am one the fence about is another sequencer. I have all Elektron boxes, a Social Entropy Engine, an MPC live, a Deluge, and soon a Circlone. I’m fairly sure that with the Mutant Brain I am not wanting for another sequencer, but I have this thing about self consistent systems.

This modular is spread over four cases: a dual RackBrute 6U, an Intellijel 7U 104 HP, and an Erica Synth 86HP skiff for the drum modules (like a Techno System light - I LOVE the 909 sounds).

Any really glaring omissions?

I wasn’t going to go where Lugia went, but he’s spot on. You’ve got no viable setup. If you want to use your iPad for more than sequencing, you need at audio I/O module. ADDAC makes a decent one that’s specific to iOS. But, what set Lugia off was that you have a pretty random selection of stuff that really doesn’t add anything to what your iPad alone can do. So, the idea that you should sit down and ask yourself what you actually want to do, might be a better use of your time.
Do you have any hardware at all except this setup? If not, try playing around with VCV Rack on your computer (a free modular synth simulator) to get an idea of the key elements you need.
Tip: at a minimum you need... an oscillator, an envelope generator, a VCA, and maybe a filter. Using your iPad as a sequencer: you need some MIDI interface (iConnect MIDI 2+ and a Hexinverter Mutant Brain). I don’t see anything wrong per se dabbling around with modules directly, but that path is really, and I mean REALLY expensive.

As far as compact sequencers go, Mimetic Digitalis is hard to beat. Not terribly well suited for per step on the fly adjustments, but it’s a four channel 16 step sequencer with X/Y CV modulation and sends gate + CV. You can save 16 patches. All in 10 HP.

The o_C has tedious menu diving, not unlike Pam’s. I still think it’s better used as an ASR. I like to send the Mimetic into a 2hp Arp and that signal into the o_C Copiermaschine and from there into the 1V/Oct of a oscillator with a split out from the Mimetic triggering an envelope into the trig of the oscillator. A nice variation is to send two 1V/Oct signals from the o_C into two oscillators of a dual oscillator module (DPO or PH mkIII). Add a slew to one of the 1V/Oct or use an LFO to modulate sync or detune.

Pretty. Plaits is such a nice sounding module.

Exactly what do you hope to do with this set of modules? In particular, what did you intend to do with the A138 mixer ?

As far as sequencers go, definitely look at a Sequentix Circlone and Social Entropy Engine. A neat middle ground is also a Synthstrom Deluge paired with a Hexinverter Mutant Brain.

Here are a few suggestions:

ModularGrid Rack

  1. Zadar is a neat quad Envelope Generator that is loopable, giving you more flexibility than stages (and a greater number of envelopes)
  2. For mild distortion consider a Tallin Dual VCA and add a Geiger counter for more heavy duty
  3. For ambient, consider the Erbeverb. Pico DSP might not cut it. You could also consider an Erica Black Hole DSP/DSP2
  4. Consider smaller versions of the MI modules: quad VCA and Beehive are equivalent to Veils and Plaits
  5. You may want to add another filter, ideally an SVF, but the Polivoks has LPF and BP. Belgrad is a neat one, but larger
  6. You said sequencing isn’t a priority. Perhaps then ditch the Varigate 4 and the paltry 8 steps and consider a Voltage Block to control various parameters. You could also do that using Pam’s and a Lapsus Os.
  7. Consider an Intellijel 7U case

Always educational to see Lugia’s Suggestions.

Two additional thoughts:
Going for an Intellijel 7U case with the MIDI module, Audio I/O and two Quadratt attenuverters will give you more space that isn’t going into I/O and power modules.
The Quad VCA comes in a neat micro version, saving you another couple of HP, as does Plaits (and marbles & Clouds).
That way you could fit in some performance modules, such as a Voltage Block or bring back Pam’s. Or, for extra ambient duty, add Plancks, which is a micro-Forms module.
Don’t forget about Poti to go with Batumi, which gives access to the jumpers on the back in a more user friendly manner.

Here is what that could look like:

ModularGrid Rack

Not really

I’m assuming that he modules remaining constant are the ones you have?

Adding Rene and Batumi is great, but you need a clock for Rene to work (Tempi or Pamela’s New Workout would do). A filter is great, but look also at QPAS or a state variable filter. You’ll also need an envelope module (Malekko Quad Envelope or XAOC Zadar) and at least one power module. Consider an Intellijel 7U case with Intellijel 1U modules, as you’ll want an audio I/O and some attenuverters.

I recently contemplated a layout of a “portable” sub-rack and settled on an Intellijel 7U case, such as you did. I had a few design iterations with some Muffwiggler FB group input and some trying out. Turns out: I didn’t think the Mimetic Digitalis is well suited to controlling categorical CV (say the b/s/l on a Manis), so I needed a bit more immediate control.
I found that I took a liking to using my modular to complement a sampler (drums, percussion) with harsher basslines and additional percussion. I also quite like the sonic possibilities of combining the Ataraxic Iteritas with a uPlaits for LPF bass, especially using a sequenced mix via Plancks (uFrames) for more timbral control.
So, the underlying design concept was: Manis for percussion, Ataraxic+Beehive for bass. I wanted CV control and sequencing ability for both feeds independently, delay and reverb are essential to the sound I am after. Some distortion would be nice, too.
In this setup you see Manis, MLSC, Verb Form a percussion chain. I opted for two Quadratt 1U as sub-mixers and that works great.
One audio stream will be a side chain feed for the MLSC compressor and a second a utility reverb via the verb.
Plancks will blend Beehive, Ataraxic, and a delay-reverb using the Black Hole DSP2 and Erbeverb chain under full CV control (reverb solo and delay solo can be mixed in via the second Quadratt).
The Voltage block will allow extensive control over the mix (Plancks), Delay (Black Hole), and reverb (Erbeverb).
Pam’s offers up to 8 LFOs (I’m a sucker for those) and Rene two direct control gate/CV channels for Manis and Beehive/Ataraxic. Manis has its own Envelope, and Tallin offers two VCAs with distortion for Hive and Ataraxic. A quad envelope can control both VCAs and still offer two envelopes for filter control. I opted for the Morgasmatron as a SVF with pleasant distortion (I love how this filter clips and the built in Rat distortion is neat as well) and Three Sisters owing to sonic capabilities and HP demand (vs QPAS). Tempi has the immediacy of well laid out performance features, which allows for on the fly clock division changes controlling the Quad Env and Voltage Block. Ornament & Crime combined with an ARP module just round it out nicely.


I know I’m missing a logic module and really pondered swapping the o_C with a WMD Triple Bipolar, but feel that I should be able to do-opt one Quadratt for CV duty.

Here’s the rig:
ModularGrid Rack

Thread: Excessive?

I am not sure I want too much random, so that’s deliberate. But I could see use for a probability based gate signal from the sequencer. Hence I have the Antumbra Cara and a logic module.
I might add a Turing machine and quantizer at some point.

Thread: Excessive?

I’m spending too much time on modulargrid, too much on gear, and I still have fun.

Any thoughts on omissions additions?

Is there a way to have different rows to have different widths to plan module arrangements across different cases in one convenient location?

Say four rows 3U 88HP with an Intellijel 7U 104HP case.

Ideally, with those 4ms pods, could a mismatch in depth be highlighted?

Yeah, also getting all these sound sources out could be iffy, as I think you only have the ModDemix as a mixer.

In a system this size, I'm wondering whether Maths is the best use of HP real estate, as you could for almost the same HP get an Envelope generator (you do want one of those) and a micro quad VCA.

You also are going to need to power your rack, unless you have a built in power supply using no HP. Not sure why you would use a passive I/O module, but there are nice powered alternatives from Happy Nerding or 4ms.

See how this here resonates with you:

If you don't need the 4HP power, you could always throw a Disting MK4 in there.

Instead of drawing it (didn’t really work on my iPad) here is a video.

The patch is described in more detail in the YT video.

So, to those more experienced, do you think this is overly complicated or sort of on point? To me it sounds really nice, so I’d say it’s just right. But, alas, you guys may have some nice ideas.

Btw. pending additions to the rig you see are: 4ms VCAMatrix, Malekko Quad Envelope, Mutant Brain, Manis Iteritas, QPAS (all ordered, so that’s a commitment).

I’d love me a Rainmaker. That and an Erbeverb and the basic FX are all set...

One rookie mistake I made was to remain unaware of the micro versions of MI modules, esp Plaits, Clouds, but I believe Yarns and Rings are also available. Michigan Synth Works has some nice ones and there are pre-assembled Antumbra modules on eBay. So your Plaits and Clouds shrink to 8 HP and you can squeeze in some other neat stuff.

Also, are you dead set on the Atlantis? Seems rather voluminous for the HP. You could add a XAOC Zadar for 8(!) ADSR envelopes or Stages and a flexible OSC.

Regarding the Polaris: check out Three Sisters and the new QPAS, as they might offer some more flavor.

Also, a dedicated sequencer on the modular seems like something you might want. Rene MKII reigns supreme, but the Mimetic Digitalis is a superb and compact 4 track 16 step sequencer at 10 HP.

Disting MK4 seems to be missing and the Poti is a neat expansion of the Batumi.

Regarding clocking... how about a Hexinverter Mutant Brain instead of Yarns? Pam’s would then be your clock divider.

You could always add uZeus for specifically the Aira unit, but then, what’s the point of the Rackbrute?

There is an 8HP version of the original module, which may be a tougher call vs the new module.

I don’t want to run afoul of good manners, given that I’m a member for less than 3 months and cannot sell on the Marketplace, but perhaps I may at least plug an eBay offering I placed. I’ve got a tiny rig and need to make room for other modules.