You're absolutely building something more expensive than a fixed architecture synth. You're also building something that's arguably more flexible than a Sub 37. What's done with that flexibility will certainly vary from person to person. Have fun with it, and if you're not finding yourself as productive as you would like to be, you can always sell things off without much loss – especially if you've been buying modules used.

I saw these Make Noise Maths Videos via a re-tweet from Make Noise. You may have already seen them, if you're active on Twitter, but I thought I'd share in case anyone missed them. Looks like they based on the patches in the illustrated guide to Maths that lives on Muffwiggler.

That makes me think, is there a way to see which racks have the most instances of Maths? I personally have one of the old style and one of the new style, plus a Function, but I imagine there are people out there with more than two.

That's concerning. I was thinking about getting one, as I liked the liquid-y sounds I heard in the demo. So it's isolated just to Mutable -> Mutable patches? Once you add something imMutable (sic) it works just fine?

Is there a way of merging duplicate submissions?

Really interested in the Erica Synths Pico series of modules. I just saw this demo video over at Perfect Circuit Audio and it looks like an awesome little system. Any know when these start shipping, and whether there will be a discount on a complete system or not?

I love the Trigger Riot, but I'm curious how you plan on using it with this setup. I primarily use mine for triggering drums and envelopes. I'm wondering if you have enough destinations to to justify it.

Nice! Really like the part around 2:00.

I'd pick up a second Z3000. They FM incredibly well together.

I just pre-ordered one from PCA.

In the picture, it looks like it can be removed from the case. It seems like it would be an odd design choice to not make it compatible with a eurorack case.

I've been lurking here, Muffs and on Electro-Music for a while now, tempting myself with a modular synth purchase. After getting a tidy sum back from the government for tax season, I think I'm ready to finally pull the trigger.

Question is: Where should I purchase from?

I've mostly been an in-the-box guy up until now, so most of my purchases have been from Sweetwater. I found this shop when searching for "modular synth", but haven't purchased from them before. From what I could find, it seems like they're a pretty legit place. Another one that comes up a lot in my searching is Analogue Haven.

What do you guys recommend? Also, is buying used a good idea?