Hi there. I'm totally green to modular synth, finally starting to dip my toes in. I plan on visiting my local modular shop in the cities this weekend (Midwest Modular in Minneapolis dontcha know), but I figured I'd start a thread on here too to get some opinions. So my plan so far is to build a little synth that will:

  1. Allow me to generate some drum and rhythm background sounds that I could have fun with and shape the sound of.
  2. Allow me to practice the basics of synthesis with some of the bare essential elements.

People keep saying to buy a larger case than you need, but it appears to be cost effective to buy a HEK and then just buy a second one later. Am I wrong here? The intellijell cases are substantially more expensive and so is everything else I've found.

It will take me a long time to build this rig, so I'm also trying to decide what the best order to purchase everything in is. My current idea is to get the Domino first, then a mixer, then a sequencer, then a midi gate. This would give me something fun to play with while I slowly build the rest of the rig month after month, or am I wrong here?

The rest of the case so far is just simple basics because for all I know my goals will change as I learn more how modular synths work. I could always sell modules if I decide they're unnecessary, this stuff all seems to hold it's value pretty well, or am I wrong there? Should I be wary of purchasing any particular modules? I also have some DIY modules in there because while I am certainly no expert, I do have plenty of experience soldering amps, cable, guitar parts etc, and my dad is basically an electrical engineer, so I'm also looking forward to doing some of this stuff with him. Anyway, I'm totally open to opinions, just trying to get an idea. Oh and I also already grabbed the domino because it was on sale, maybe jumped the gun there.....


Also I apparently am a moron and can't figure out how to get a screenshot up of my rack, so hopefully that link works.